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De nous à vous - From us to you - De nós para vós

De vous à nous - From you to us - De vós para nós

De nous à vous - From us to you - De nós para vós

Catéchèse du Pape (24/09/2014)/Pope’s catechesis (24/09/2014)/Catequese do Papa (24/09/2014)


Speaker : Aujourd’hui je voudrais remercier le Seigneur pour le voyage qu’il m’a permis de faire en Albanie. Je souhaitais m’y rendre afin d’exprimer ma proximité, et celle de toute l’Église, à ce peuple qui a connu la terrible oppression d’un régime athée. Chrétiens et musulmans furent atrocement persécutés, uniquement parce qu’ils croyaient en Dieu ;  ils vivent aujourd’hui dans une cohabitation pacifique. Loin de tout relativisme, un dialogue authentique et fructueux tient compte de l’identité de chacun. Avec émotion, j’ai pu faire mémoire des nombreux martyrs de la foi, qui par amour du Christ, ont trouvé la force de donner leur vie. Leur sang n’a pas été versé en vain, car il est une semence pour l’avenir de l’Albanie ; en eux resplendit la toute-puissance de Dieu qui console son peuple et ouvre de nouveaux horizons d’espérance. J’ai confié le peuple albanais à Notre Dame du Bon Conseil, pour qu’elle continue de l’enraciner dans l’amour fraternel.


Saint Père :  

Saluto cordialmente i pellegrini di lingua francese, in particolare i gruppi delle Diocesi di Laval e Dax, come pure l’Équipe Nationale de l’Action Catholique delle Professioni Indipendenti, accompagnata da Mons. Michel Pansard.

Anche oggi, come ieri, la forza della Chiesa non è data tanto dalle strutture, ma dall’amore di Cristo. Vi invito ad attingere a questo amore la forza di vivere coraggiosamente la vostra fede e di andare incontro ai vostri fratelli. Che Dio vi benedica!


Speaker : Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française, en particulier les groupes des diocèses de Laval et de Dax, ainsi que l’Équipe Nationale de l’Action Catholique des milieux Indépendants, accompagnée de Monseigneur Michel Pansard.

Aujourd’hui comme hier, la force de l’Église ne lui est pas donnée par le moyen de structures, mais par l’amour du Christ. Je vous invite à puiser dans cet amour la force de vivre courageusement votre foi et de vous tourner vers vos frères. Que Dieu vous bénisse !


Speaker : Dear Brothers and Sisters:  My apostolic journey to Albania this past Sunday was meant to be a sign of my closeness, and that of the universal Church, to the Albanian people, who suffered for years under a godless and inhuman regime, but are now working to build a peaceful society marked by mutual respect and cooperation in the service of the common good.  Particularly significant in this regard is the spirit of coexistence and dialogue between Albania’s different religious communities, all of whom endured bitter persecution for their belief in God.  In my meeting with the followers of the various religions, I encouraged this important witness, which respects and builds upon the identity of each.  With our Catholic brothers and sisters I honoured the heroic testimony of the many martyrs whose sufferings have brought forth fruits of spiritual rebirth and I invited Christians to be a leaven of goodness, charity and reconciliation in Albanian society.  Through the prayers of Our Lady of Good Counsel, may God continue to inspire the Albanian people to build a society of justice, peace and solidarity.


Holy Father:  

Saluto i nuovi studenti del Venerabile Collegio Inglese, assicurando la mia vicinanza spirituale all’inizio dei loro studi per il sacerdozio.  Su tutti i pellegrini di lingua inglese presenti a questa Udienza, specialmente quelli provenienti da Inghilterra, Irlanda, Scozia, Danimarca, Norvegia, Paesi Bassi, India, Cina, Giappone, Kenya, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Canada e Stati Uniti, invoco la gioia e la pace del Signore Gesù.  Dio vi benedica!


SpeakerI greet the new students of the Venerable English College in Rome and I assure them of my closeness in prayer as they begin their studies for the priesthood.  Upon all the English-speaking pilgrims taking part in today’s Audience, including those from England, Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, India, China, Japan, Kenya, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States, I invoke the joy and peace of the Lord Jesus.  God bless you!


Speaker: A Viagem Apostólica à Albânia, no domingo passado, quis mostrar a solidariedade do Sucessor de Pedro com um País que, após passar muito anos sob a opressão de um regime ateu e desumano, está vivendo agora uma experiência de convivência pacífica entre as religiões. Isso mesmo foi visível no encontro inter-religioso, demonstrando que é possível e praticável estabelecer um diálogo frutuoso entre as religiões, sem que isto signifique dar espaço ao relativismo ou ao menosprezo da identidade de cada um. Por sua vez, o encontro com os sacerdotes, pessoas consagradas, seminaristas e movimentos laicais foi uma ocasião para fazer memória dos numerosos mártires da fé daquele País, lembrança perene de que a força da Igreja não vem da sua capacidade organizativa nem das estruturas, mas do amor de Cristo. De fato, a lembrança de um passado duro deve se converter numa maior abertura aos irmãos, especialmente aos mais fracos, para assim dar testemunho do dinamismo da caridade, tão necessária no mundo de hoje.


Santo Padre:  

Rivolgo un cordiale saluto ai pellegrini di lingua portoghese, in particolare ai brasiliani venuti da Novo Hamburgo, Jundiaí, Santo André e Bahia, augurando che questo pellegrinaggio sia per voi occasione di contemplare la bellezza della fede e dell’unione con Cristo, per vivere pienamente la vostra vocazione cristiana. Dio vi benedica. Grazie!


Speaker: Dirijo uma saudação cordial aos peregrinos de língua portuguesa, em particular aos brasileiros vindos de Novo Hamburgo, Jundiaí, Santo André e da Bahia, com votos de que esta peregrinação seja para vós uma oportunidade de contemplar a beleza da fé e da união com Cristo, para viver plenamente a vossa vocação cristã. Que Deus vos abençoe! Obrigado.

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GHANA: Bishops Begin their Ad Limina Visit


The bishops of Ghana are currently in Rome for their five-yearly Ad Limina Visit. During the 22-25 September visit, the bishops will be able to share about their local church with POpe Francis and Holy See officials 

The Catholic Bishops of Ghana began their four-day Ad Limina visit on Monday 22nd September. During the visit, undertaken by every bishops’ conference once every five years, they will meet with Pope Francis and officials of the Roman Curia offices. The current president of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (GCBC) is Bishop Joseph Osei-Bonsu of the Diocese of Konongo-Mampong.

The Catholic Church in Ghana has four Metropolitan Archdioceses, fifteen Dioceses and the Apostolic Vicariate of Donkorkrom run by the Divine Word Missionaries (SVD). The dioceses in Ghana fall under four ecclesiastical provinces, namely: Accra, Cape Coast, Kumasi and Tamale.

The first mass in what is modern-day Ghana was celebrated at Elmina in 1482 following the arrival of Portuguese traders. However, the first Catholic baptism in the then Gold Coast was administered by missionaries of the Society of African Missions or SMA Fathers in 1880. Two years later, the first attempts to establish a mission in Kumasi were made but it was not until 1896 that an Apostolic Vicariate was established in Cape Coast.

In 1950, the Ecclesiastical Province of Gold Coast was established comprising the Archdiocese of Cape Coast and the dioceses of Ketam, Kumasi, Accra and Tamale.

Pope St. John Paul II visited Ghana in 1980. In 2003, he created the country’s first cardinal, His Eminence Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson. The former Archbishop of Cape Coast is currently serving as President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

The government of Ghana established diplomatic relations with the Holy See on the 14th of June 1976 and the Apostolic nunciature of Ghana was inaugurated that same year.

Ghana capital, Accra is hosting the headquarters of the continental grouping of bishops’ conferences SECAM, which stands for the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar.

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Nos fréquences en KHz sur les Ondes courtes (Heure en Temps universel)/ Our frequencies in KHZ on Short Waves (Universal Time)/As nossas frequências e


Anglais-Afrique/ English-Africa/Inglês-África :

3 :00 : 7360 - 9660

5 :00 : 11625 – 13765

6 :30 : 13765 – 15570

17 :30 : 11625 – 13765 - 15570

20 :00 : 13765 – 15570

[Rome: FM: 103.80]


Français-Afrique/French-Africa/Francês-África :

2:30 :  7360 - 9660

4 :30 : 11625 – 13765

6 :00 : 13765 – 15570

17 :00 : 13765 - 15570

20 :30 : 13765 – 15570

[Rome: FM: 103.80]


Portugais-Afrique/ Portuguese-Africa/Português-África :

5 :30 : 11625 –13765 –15570

18 :00 : 11625 – 13765 - 15570

[Rome: FM: 103.80]


Kiswahili :

3 :30 : 7360 - 9660

16 :00 : 13765 – 15570

[Rome: FM: 103.80]



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Please note that you can follow our programmes at all times, day and night the world over. Just go to www.radiovaticana.va. Also you can follow a live video coverage of Papal events by clicking on the video player on the website.


Em todo o mundo é possível seguir os nossos programas através do nosso sito internet www.radiovaticana.va Do mesmo modo, se podem também seguir in directo as imagens dos acontecimentos e cerimónias do Papa  no nosso Player vídeo ao vivo, cujo link também se encontra no nosso sito internet.

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En plus de notre site internet, vous pouvez aussi suivre de nos nouvelles sur Facebook à l’adresse : Radio Vatican Français-Afrique. Cliquez sur "j'aime" pour interagir.

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Avis pour les radios catholiques africaines et les auditeurs de Radio Vatican/ Notice to Catholic Radio Stations in Africa and listeners of Vatican Ra


Radio Vatican avait produit en 2011 un album musical, Afrika tenda amani (fais la paix, Afrique), avec le concours de quelques artistes musiciens africains dont Papa Wemba de la République démocratique du Congo et Bonga d’Angola. Cet album qui accompagne l’exhortation post-synodale Africae munus, reflète les thèmes de la Deuxième assemblée spéciale pour l’Afrique du Synode des Évêques (réconciliation, justice et paix), a été expédié à toutes les radios catholiques africaines par le canal des Pères Evêques diocésains auxquels Radio Vatican a fait parvenir 3 copies.

Si jamais une radio n’a pas encore reçu une copie de cet album, elle peut nous écrire (africa@vatiradio.va) nous en demander. De même, nous disposons de quelques exemplaires pour nos auditeurs qui en feront la demande. Mais la quantité est fort limitée.

P. Jean-Pierre Bodjoko, SJ

Responsable du Bureau de Promotion de Radio Vatican pour la zone Afrique

E-mail : africa@vatiradio.va


In 2011, Vatican Radio produced a music album titled Afrika tenda amani (Make Peace, Africa), with the help of a few African musicians including Papa Wemba of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Bonga from Angola. Three copies of the CD album, which accompanied the publication of the post-synodal exhortation Africae munus  and reflects on the themes of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops (reconciliation, justice and peace) was sent to all  Catholic radio stations in Africa through the local bishops.

If your radio station has not yet received a copy of this album, please write to africa@vatiradio.va to request a copy. Also, we have a limited number of copies for our listeners who may also send their requests to the above email address.

Fr. Jean-Pierre Bodjoko, SJ

Head of the Promotions Office for Africa

Vatican Radio


A Rádio Vaticano tinha produzido em 2011 um álbum musical denominado Afrika Tenda Amani (faz a paz, África), com a participação de alguns artistas músicos africanos, dentre os quais Papa Wemba da República Democrática do Congo e Bonga de Angola. Este álbum, que acompanha a Exortação pós-sinodal Africae Munus reflecte os temas da Segunda Assembleia Especial para a África do Sínodo dos Bispos (reconciliação, justiça e paz), e foi enviado a todas as Rádios Católicas africanas através dos Senhores Bispos Diocesanos aos quais a Rádio Vaticano fez chegar três cópias.

Se por acaso alguma Rádio ainda não recebeu uma cópia deste álbum, podem nos escrever (africa@vatiradio.va) para solicitá-lo. Da mesma forma, também dispomos de alguns exemplares para os nossos ouvintes que o solicitem. Mas a quantidade é muito limitada.

P. Jean-Pierre Bodjoko, SJ

Responsável do Departamento de Promoção da Rádio Vaticano, para a região África

E-mail: africa@vatiradio.va

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Adresses utiles pour Radio Vatican/Useful contacts of Vatican Radio/Endereço


P. Federico LOMBARDI, SJ

Directeur Général/General Director/Director Geral

e-mail: lombardi@vatiradio.va


M. Giacomo GHISANI

Relations Internationales/International Relations/ Relações Internacionais

e-mail : relint@vatiradio.va

Tel : +39.06.698.83945


P. Jean-Pierre BODJOKO, SJ

Responsable Bureau de Promotion-Afrique/Head of Africa’s Promotion Office/ Responsável

Sector de promoção-Afrique

e-mail: africa@vatiradio.va

Tel : +39.06.698.83366

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De vous à nous - From you to us - De vós para nós

NIGERIA: Communiqué at the End of the Second Plenary Meeting of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), September 11-19, 2014



1. Preamble

We, the members of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria, held our Second

Plenary Meeting for the Year 2014 at the Diocesan Conference Centre, Bishop’s Court, Effurun, Delta State. Having prayerfully reflected on issues affecting the Church and our country, we now present our communiqué.

2. Some Events in the Church

We rejoice with Bishop Martin Olorunmolu of Lokoja Diocese and Bishop John Afareha of Warri Diocese and their Catholic Faithful for respectively celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Erection of their Ecclesiastical circumscriptions. We welcome and congratulate Msgr. Simon Faddoul, the first Apostolic Exarch, appointed by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, to direct the new Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction created for Catholics of the Maronite Rites in West and Central Africa. We pray that his mission may encourage the Lebanese communities in Nigeria in their Christian witness. In June, two new Bishops were ordained, namely, Most Rev. Michael Gokum for the new Diocese of Pankshin and Most Rev. Peter Kayode Odetoyinbo for Abeokuta Diocese. In August, Msgr. Jonas Benson Okoye was ordained the Auxiliary Bishop of Awka. We look forward to the installation of Bishop John Ayah as the Bishop of Uyo on 20th of September, 2014, who also continues to serve as the Apostolic Administrator of his former jurisdiction, the Diocese of Ogoja. Msgr. Wilfred Chikpa Anagbe will be consecrated the Coadjutor Bishop of Makurdi on 4th of October, 2014.

We welcome the new Counsellor to the Apostolic Nunciature in Abuja, Msgr. Javier Domingo Fernandez González. We congratulate all those mentioned here and pray for the success of their respective assignments.

With deep appreciation of a life dedicated to God and His people, we announce the

glorious exit of the Bishop Emeritus of Awka, Most Rev. Simon Akwali Okafor, who

died on 29th of August, 2014, and will be buried on 7th of October, 2014.

3. Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family

Pope Francis has announced the event of the Extraordinary General Assembly on the family taking place in Rome from 5th to 19th of October, 2014. The Synod will, among other things, discuss the challenges families face in the modern world. Let us continue to pray for our families to be more the sanctuaries of life and love, the irreplaceable and basic school of humanity. We urge you to pray for the success of the Synod. We call on Dioceses to intensify their pastoral care for the families through adequate marriage preparations; support for the young and elderly couples; those in mixed marriages; irregular marriages (de facto unions); families in crises; the separated and the divorced and remarried persons; as well as singles.

4. Education Summit

We happily announce the Second National Catholic Education Summit scheduled for 28th to 31st of October, 2014, at the Women Development Centre, Abuja. We once again reiterate our willingness to continue to partner with the Government at all levels in the provision of Quality Education for our children. At our First Plenary Assembly for this 2014 in Abuja, we made this declaration and looked at the success stories and challenges in areas where partnership is established. In that same conference, we acknowledged the return of schools from some State Governments. We are still expecting other States to emulate this gesture.

5. Veritas University, Abuja (VUNA)

It is heartwarming to communicate that the long awaited movement of Veritas University of Nigeria Abuja (VUNA) to the permanent campus is being actualized by the commencement of full academic activities at all relevant levels in September 2014.

We continue to call on the members of the Laity and people of good will to support the initiative of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria. We use this opportunity to invite you to the Second Convocation ceremony to hold at the permanent campus in Bwari, Abuja, on the 28th of October, 2014.

6. Insecurity in our Country

There is, today, a widespread feeling of fear, due to insecurity in the land. Nigerians do not feel safe in their homes, at work, on the highways, at the airports, seaports, in the schools and even within the hallowed precincts of places of worship. There is an

unprecedented rise in violent crimes and the alarming new dimension of organized terrorist activities, particularly in the North Eastern part of the country. The brutality and callousness with which people are killed, abducted and maimed, has assumed a frightening dimension. Many people across the country, but especially in the North Eastern part of the country have been forced out of their ancestral homes, and are rendered to the status of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), who now live in inhuman conditions, like in the caves, on the mountains and in the forest. Many others have become slaves and prisoners to the terrorist group called Boko Haram and Fulani Armed Herdsmen.

We condemn violence on whatever excuse, and from whatever direction. We condemn it, above all, when the perpetrators blasphemously and fraudulently claim religious justifications for their actions. We deeply regret and condemn in strong terms, the wanton loss of life and property caused by the armed group called Boko Haram. We offer our deepest condolences to all the bereaved and our sympathies to all those who have suffered grave injuries and losses. We further call on the Government of this country to ensure prompt restoration of peace and order in all the troubled parts of the country.

Government and good-spirited individuals should also take immediate steps in providing relief materials to the victims. However, we encourage that this gesture should be done with the best of intentions and not to be turned into avenue for political gains and self gratification. No nation can meaningfully develop or prosper in an atmosphere of insecurity. Many Nigerians are traumatized, given the menace of Boko Haram and other social upheavals, such that the basis for cooperation, exchange and hope for a great nation is obliterated. Nigeria needs healing and restoration.

7. Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

The Ebola disease is a source of worry to all people, all over the world. We highly commend the Federal Government for the action taken to stop the deadly Virus from

further spreading to other parts of the country. We also note the efforts of some western countries for stepping up action in search of adequate medical treatment. We appreciate the Medical experts and the Press for their efforts of disseminating adequate information on this matter. We call on all Nigerians to carry out periodic medical checkups. We recommend a healthy pattern of living to contain its spread and transmission. In the absence of a known cure, we have joined other Nigerians in the fight against this deadly virus and have imposed on ourselves certain discipline in our worship as precautionary measures. We pray for healing of all those infected by the virus. We commend those who have died as a result of the disease to the bosom of God, our Heavenly Father.

8. Religious Freedom

We profoundly affirm the right to religious freedom and free expression as entrenched in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This right does not stop with freedom to choose, practice and express one’s faith which is fatally denied in some parts of our nation, but includes the opportunity to contribute to the building up of the society as free partners in progress. This presupposes public recognition and respect for authentic religious values that meet the human deepest concerns, capable of furnishing ethical motivation for personal and social responsibilities.

We will continue to express our willingness for dialogue and collaboration with other

Christians and other religious bodies for harmony and progress of our country and the

good of humanity. We request that the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) to work closely to ensure coexistence that guarantees access to, and safety in places of worship.

9. The 2015 General Elections

In 2015, Nigerians will once again have the opportunity to exercise their fundamental

right to vote. Leaders will be elected to govern the affairs of our Nation. Efforts made

over the years to avoid irregularities in the polling have not been perfect. As prophets of God, it is our duty to remind all political aspirants/candidates that they are public servants sworn to provide the electorate with legitimate needs.

We call on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to improve on its

electoral responsibilities in the forthcoming elections in order to fully guarantee the rights of citizens to elect leaders of their choice. Nigerians will then have opportunity to showcase their growth in electoral process that truly ensures free, fair, durable and  credible elections. In the same manner, we call on Nigerians to have a change of mentality, inspired by the sense of common good, equity, justice and peace. We call on the government at all levels to provide the enabling environment for everyone to exercise this fundamental right without fear, favour and intimidation. Let us eschew the unwholesome activities that usually characterize our electioneering process, such as thuggery, maiming, murder, bullying, and violence of any kind, which are an affront to the dignity of the human person. More so, rigging of votes steals away the peoples’ mandate, causing disharmony and conflict.

10. Patriotism, Unity, and Peace of our Nation

The journey to nationhood may be long and tortuous, but it is possible with courage and determination. The country’s unity is on trial due to corruption, waves of criminality, and terrorism. Corruption is ferociously destroying the fabric of our society. Generally, there is cynical abuse of power in governance with impunity, to the extent that the rights of citizens are constantly violated. When good governance is absent, patriotism is hardly possible or sustainable. Ethnicity is generally blamed as the bane of our journey to nationhood. It is known, however, that good governance contributes to turn ethnicity into a rich asset for mutual exchange, healthy rivalry, cooperation and solidarity. Nigeria needs leaders with courage, vision and an authentic sense of patriotism, with political will to change the pattern of life of our society. Leaders should set examples of  stewardship, accountability and transparency, in order to be trustworthy custodians of our  land.

11. 2014 National Conference

We thank God that we gathered to discuss some of the challenges facing us a nation. At the beginning of the National Conference, we sent our solidarity greetings and prayers to Nigerians and participants at the Conference. We commended the objective aimed at strengthening national unity, democratic governance and laying a stronger foundation for development. The Conference which began in March and concluded in August 2014, provided Nigerians in their diversity of ethnicity, religious persuasions and political affiliations, the opportunity to openly discuss the problems stunting our development as a Nation. Once again, Nigerians were able to sit together and through concerted effort, they discussed openly and agreed on a charter for national reconciliation, integration and  transformation.

We pray for the moral courage and political will needed by our leaders to examine and seriously consider the resolutions in the Report of the Conference, for the good and  development of our nation.

12. Conclusion: The Lord Comforts His People! (Isaiah 40:1)

Our faith in God may be painfully undergoing some tests. Certain situations in our lives might surely be described as extreme. The threat of the pandemics of HIV-AIDS compounds with Ebola Virus Disease, just as the issues of armed robbery and kidnapping with Boko Haram savagery. In all of these, we should not, however, give up, but believe in  God for whom nothing is impossible. Jesus Christ is our great Physician and Redeemer, who in his victory over the powers of darkness and evil, did not eliminate suffering nor did he explain every evil, but rather exposed the devil and cautioned against its  deceits, revealing the power of God, whom alone is to be feared. By willingly enduring his passion and death, Jesus gave human suffering its redemptive meaning, removed the fear of death, ushering in the hope of the resurrection (cf. 2 Cor 4:16-5:5).

He promised his presence, healing and blessings to the weary and the overburdened (Matt 11:28). He consoles us so that we might with the same comfort meet and offer to others in their times of tribulation (2 Cor 1:4). Paradoxically, we are helped by moments of weakness and suffering to draw closer to God - the solid and lasting foundation of our existence - and to discover His mercy, love and power (cf. 2 Cor 4:7-12). We must let Christ’s word of consolation penetrate, illumine, purify and convert our interior, so that a new humanity may be born in us for the endurance of Christian hope. We call on all to be fervent in prayers to the God of consolation and hope for the restoration of our land. For this reason, we invite everyone to a National Rosary Prayer Pilgrimage in the National Christian Centre, Abuja on 13th to 14th of November, 2014.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of consolation, be our model and intercessor, especially in this trying period of our country.

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SOUTH AFRICA: Catholic Church mourns the death of South Africans in Nigeria


The Catholic Church in South Africa has expressed shock and sadness over the death of 67 South Africans who lost their lives when a Church hostel collapsed at Nigeria’s Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos. The hostel belongs to Popular Tele-evangelist, TB Joshua’s  church.

South African’s President is quoted by the BBC as saying the tragedy was the “the deadliest incident involving South Africans abroad."

In a message of condolence released by Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference’s communications Director, Fr. S’milo Mngadi, the Bishops’ conference says that “It is quite sad when people die in such a tragedy while they are on a quest to find God.”  The statement continues to say, “May the souls of the deceased find peace in God, may their families be consoled and may those who sustained injuries be restored to good health”.

It is feared that the death toll may still rise. More than 130 other people are said to be injured. The hostel was hosting South Africans. TB Joshua is an enormously popular tele-evangelist in Africa.

e-mail: engafrica@vatiradio.va

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NIGERIA: Bishops declare all-night prayer vigil in the face of suffering resulting from Boko Haram attacks


The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) has declared a national all-night prayer vigil service on the night of the 13th November in the Capital city of Abuja. The purpose of the all-night prayer vigil will be to pray for a nation, especially its people, suffering at the hands of Boko Haram Islamist militants. The Bishops have asked the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of consolation to intercede for the country.

In a press statement made available to Vatican Radio, on 24 September, by the Catholic News Service of Nigeria, the Bishops say they are alarmed by the scale of destruction of human lives and property unleashed by Boko Haram. The Bishops are also extremely saddened by the disruption of village and community  life in Northeastern Nigeria.

The Bishops have further directed their local Caritas office to immediately provide funds and support to the internally displaced people of Northeast Nigeria. The Bishops urge the Federal Government and individual Nigerians to  reach-out  in  charity  and solidarity to help other Nigerians that have been internally displaced as a result of the Boko Haram insurgency.

Nevertheless, the Bishops warn that the  increased  levels  of  hatred in Nigeria have the potential to create more  conflict  in  the  nation. More poignantly, the Bishops say, “While  Muslims  are  sometimes  targets  of  these  destructive  attacks,  Christians and Christian Churches as well as non-Muslims in general are the principle targets for extermination,  expropriation and expulsion by the Boko Haram insurgents, the perpetrators of all these destructions, ” the Bishops say in their press statement.

The Bishops speak of how their Second Annual Plenary meeting  in Warri Diocese, Delta State from 11 September to 19 September, was constantly interrupted and disturbed by “first-hand  and  horrifying  reports  reaching  us  from  Borno,  Yobe, Adamawa,  Taraba,  Kano  and  Kaduna  States  about  the  mass  slaughter  of  fellow Nigerians;  the burning and ransacking of whole villages and churches  and rectories. We heard of entire families and  individuals being forced to seek  places of refuge outside their homes and lands. In fact,  one of our brother-Bishops had to leave our meeting  abruptly  because  of  thousands  of  refugees  that  had  flocked  to  his Cathedral and its premises expecting protection and food from the Bishop and his diocese, ” the Bishops said.

The statement of the Bishops strikes a more positive tone towards the Federal Government and the Nigerian military in an effort to encourage the authorities to do more in protecting civilians. This is in contrast to the barrage of criticism that the Nigerian Government and military have faced from various sections of Nigerian society in the face of the Boko Haram insurgency.  While encouraging the Federal Government and the military to do more than it is currently doing, the Nigerian Bishops call on all Nigerians to support every positive effort by the current government to protect citizens and defend the integrity and unity of Nigeria.

Please find below the press statement and the final communique from the plenary assembly of the Nigerian Bishops.

Both documents are jointly signed by the President of the conference, Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos and the Secretary of the Conference Most Rev. Willam Avenya, Bishop of Gboko.

Fr. Paul SAMASUMO,                                            Vatican Radio/English-Africa

e-mail: engafrica@vatiradio.va



A Press Statement by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) on the current state of Nigeria, given on September 18th 2014.

Our Second Annual Plenary meeting  in Warri Diocese, Delta State, has  been  daily strained  by  first-hand  and  horrifying  reports  reaching  us  from  Borno,  Yobe, Adamawa,  Taraba,  Kano  and  Kaduna  states  about  the  mass  slaughter  of  fellow Nigerians;  the burning and sacking of whole villages and churches  and rectories. Families and  individuals are  forced to seek  places of refuge outside their invaded homes and lands.

In fact,  one of our bishops from  those zones of current tragedy had to leave our meeting  abruptly  because  of  thousands  of  refugees  that  had  flocked  to  his Cathedral and its premises expecting protection and feeding from the bishop and his diocese. Unfortunately, the situation right now, in the North East,  Nigeria only confirms further killings, burnings and fleeing of defenseless Nigerians creating a heightened sense of unrest and siege for the whole nation.

As Nigeria tragically bleeds and burns,  we  Bishops are really alarmed at the scale of human,  material destruction, and the disruption of village and community  life with  increased  levels  of  hatred  and  potentials  for  more  conflicts  in  the  nation. While  Muslims  are  sometimes  targets  of  these  destructive  attacks,  Christians, Churches and non- Muslims in general are the principal targets for extermination, expropriation and expulsion by the Boko Haram insurgents, the perpetrators of all these destructions.

We  believe  that  we  still  have  governments-  at  Federal  and  State-  levels  whose primary duty it is to preserve and protect the life of every Nigerian irrespective of tribe, religion, social class or tradition.

In  the  face  of  this  Boko  Haram  group  and  other  criminal  militias  arming themselves  beyond  our  legitimate  government  and  brazenly  killing  innocent, defenseless citizens, our government must do more than it is currently doing to safeguard  our  lives  and  defend  our  nation.  It  must  do  more  than  it  is  currently doing to fight off and disarm these actual destroyers of Nigerians and  Nigeria. It must do more than it is  currently doing to prevent segments of  our nation from drifting into anarchy and mutual self-destruction and bring criminals to justice.

We  warn  every  Nigerian  community  at  local  and  state  levels  to  be  alert  to  the grave danger facing all of us and our nation from within and from without. The issue is not about who becomes president  or governor or senator  after the 2015 General  Elections. The issue is about the life and security of every one of us who loves his or her life and really cares about our living together in peace as noble Nigerians.

We urge  therefore  that we all  support and encourage every positive effort by the current  government to protect every Nigerian and defend the integrity and unity of Nigeria. Let us equally take  lawful  measures locally to prevent the destruction of fellow Nigerians and to ward off Nigeria’s destroyers.

We  have  mandated  our  CARITAS  (charity/emergency)  office  to  immediately provide funds and succor to all affected peoples as is within our capacity.

We  urge  government  and  every  endowed  Nigerian  to  reach  out  in  charity  and solidarity to rehabilitate and support our displaced brothers and sisters wherever they are and so sustain our God-given human dignity.

In  keeping  with  our  calling  as  religious  leaders,  we  Bishops  of  Nigeria  have resolved  to  organize  a  national  all  night  prayer  scheduled  for  13th and  14th November, 2014 at Abuja.

These are critical times for our country and everyone in position of authority must do everything possible to save our dear country, Nigeria.

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COTE D’IVOIRE : Rentrée académique à l’Institut de Théologie de la Compagnie de Jésus


Le samedi 20 septembre 2014 a eu lieu la cérémonie d’ouverture de l’année académique 2014-2015 à l’Institut de Théologie de la Compagnie de Jésus (I.T.C.J) à Abidjan, en Côte d’Ivoire. Dans son mot d’accueil in absentia, lu par le Professeur Anicet N’TEBA, SJ, le Père Recteur Yvon Christian ELENGA, SJ, a déclaré que cette année académique s’ouvrait sur une note d’espérance. Toujours dans le but de rendre raison de notre foi, l’ I.T.C.J, a-t-il réitéré, est et demeure un cadre de vie, de formation et de communion au service des quêteurs de Dieu dont la passion et le souci concourent à faire de l’étude de la théologie et de la recherche théologique, bien plus que des activités spéculatives. Car on ne fait pas la théologie pour Dieu, on la fait pour l’homme vivant dans la société. Dans cette perspective, l’I.T.C.J organisera du 24 au 26 novembre prochain un colloque international dont le thème condensé est : « La théologie dans la cité ». L’enjeu et l’ambition de cette rencontre, explique le Recteur de l’I.T.C.J, résident dans la volonté soutenue d’établir un dialogue entre théologie et société dans la dynamique de nos institutions, qu’elles soient étatiques ou non, religieuses ou non. Il s’agit, au fond, d’apprendre à « Etre tout simplement ami de l’Homme », pour « ne pas tomber dans l’indifférence du temps, de toute visée de l’action dans une perspective ».

De son côté, le Père Paul Béré, SJ, Directeur des études, a rassuré que l’an dernier l’I.T.C.J a fait preuve des signes de vitalité dans les différents domaines des activités académiques. Il a notamment cité la parution du premier numéro de la revue des professeurs Kanien. Il a par ailleurs annoncé que l’I.T.C.J veut grandir et assumer ses responsabilités historiques dans une Afrique en pleine croissance et aux défis multiples et variés. Pour ce faire, une équipe prépare l’ouverture du second cycle à l’I.T.C.J pour  l’année académique 2015-2016. Sur le plan civil, l’I.T.C.J deviendra ainsi un campus de l’Université Jésuite en Afrique de l’Ouest. Aussi, cette année académique, le corps professoral de l’I.T.C.J bénéficiera de l’expérience et des contributions des Pères Alain DECORZANT, jésuite suisse, professeur d’Ecriture sainte, Wilfrid OKAMBAWA, SJ, lui aussi professeur d’Ecriture sainte, Lucas SANOU, prêtre du diocèse de Bobo Dioulasso, islamologue et animateur de la session de rentrée sur l’Islam.

« Le mérite comme l’honneur d’être homme », tel est le titre de la leçon inaugurale donnée par Augustin DIBI, Professeur titulaire de philosophie de l’Université Houphouët-Boigny à Abidjan. Le mérite est ce qui assure à une personne l’honneur et la dignité. Il est une recommandation biblique faite à l’Homme au Jardin d’Eden : « C'est à la sueur de ton front que tu mangeras du pain, jusqu'à ce que tu retournes dans la terre, d'où tu as été pris » (Gn 3, 19). Le symbolisme de la sueur du front, a affirmé le conférencier, est à comprendre au sens de la manifestation visible de l’endurance et la persévérance du cœur et du corps venue se recueillir au lieu le plus haut, à savoir la tête, lieu de couronnement qu’il soit d’épines ou de roses. Le mérite comme l’honneur d’être homme est une exigence de refuser les solutions faciles pour enfin gagner sa vie en payant de sa vie, se multiplier en puisant sa force en soi-même, à l’image du pélican qui se perce le flanc pour nourrir sa nichée. Le professeur DIBI a invité les étudiants et professeurs de l’ITCJ à viser l’excellence, à donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes par leur travail pour devenir des colonnes du monde, semblables à des veilleurs debouts sur les tours de la conscience humaine et sur le promontoire du monde afin de ralentir la dégradation du milieu humain en préparant ce qui doit lui succéder.

Vivre à la sueur de son front, c’est au fond, mériter son honneur de transformateur du milieu humain en milieu divin dans une Afrique où la plupart de nos contemporains vivent comme « La Cigale, ayant chanté tout l’été, se trouva fort dépourvue quand la bise fut venue… ». Devenir des transformateurs du monde par le travail bien fait pour une Africae Munus au service de la paix, la réconciliation et la justice, c’est la grâce demandée par tous lors de la Messe votive en l’honneur de l’Esprit-Saint qui a clôturé la cérémonie de l’ouverture de cette année académique 2014-2015.


ITCJ/Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

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BENIN : Vœux perpétuels chez les Sœurs Franciscaines Filles de Padre Pio


Douze jeunes filles des Sœurs Franciscaines Filles de Padre Pio du Bénin ont décidé de s’engager définitivement et sans retour à la suite de Jésus-Christ pour servir Dieu et son Eglise,  dans cet institut. C’était le lundi 22 Septembre 2014 en l’église Saint Jean-Baptiste de Cotonou où Mgr Antoine Ganyé archevêque de Cotonou, a présidé à la messe d’action de grâce  concélébrée par une cinquantaine de prêtres. Etaient également présents pour soutenir les heureuses du jour leurs autres consœurs du même institut, les religieux et religieuses des congrégations sœurs, des fidèles chrétiens ainsi que des parents et amis avec l’animation des chants par la chorale des sœurs de l’institut jubilaire et celles en anglais et les  Aluwasio en langue nationale mina. En les exhortant au cours de son homélie à être « lumière du monde », Mgr Ganyé à convier les futures professes perpétuelles à intérioriser et à en vivre le sens et la portée des promesses de leurs vœux de chasteté, de pauvreté et d’obéissance.  Il les a surtout exhortées à « être de véritable lumière du monde pour accueillir leurs frères et sœurs, leur montrer le chemin de Dieu et surtout leur montrer la densité de l’amour de Dieu ».  Et le prélat de conclure : « Soyez des missionnaires correctes dans vos tenues, dans vos langages et dans vos comportements, et ne perdez pas votre temps à gaspiller ce que vous devez donner aux pauvres ».

Guy DOSSOU-YOVO,                                Cotonou, pour Radio Vatican

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GABON : Rentrée au Petit séminaire Saint Jean de Libreville


Ils seront une quarantaine à faire leur entrée cette année au petit séminaire Saint Jean de Libreville. Après les 3ème, Secondes, Premières et Terminale le 22 septembre dernier, le tour est revenu aux plus jeunes de la 6ème en 4ème d’être reçus ce mercredi 24 septembre par le père directeur, l’abbé Rosel Kouka Maléla.

Afin de mettre de l’ordre dans les esprits, l’abbé Rosel a tenu samedi dernier une réunion avec les parents, amis du séminaire et séminaristes. Occasion donc pour lui de rappeler aux uns et aux autres ce qu’est un séminaire et quels sont ses objectifs. « Maison de formation des futurs prêtres de notre Eglise, le séminaire est loin d’être un centre de formation ou de redressement des enfants, encore moins un lycée ou collège comme tous les autres», a-t-il indiqué.

L’abbé Rosel a tenu à faire ces précisions car pour plusieurs parents, les petits séminaires constituent aujourd’hui des lieux où ils peuvent aller laisser leurs progénitures indésirables.

Comme innovation cette année, l’utilisation des téléphones portables et autres objets similaires est désormais proscrite à tous les petits séminaristes de Saint Jean de Libreville.

Jean-Claude NOUNAMO,                           Libreville, pour Radio Vatican

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SOUTH SUDAN: Bakhita Radio station yet to resume broadcasts


The Catholic Radio Network of Sudan (CRN), quoting anonymous sources says the Archdiocese of Juba is still studying circumstances that led to the closure of the diocesan-owned Bakhita Radio by South Sudan’s national security, before reopening it.

Bakhita Radio was closed a month ago by South Sudan’s security officials after the radio station ran a news story that seemed to blame the government of South Sudan for renewed fighting in that country’s Unity State. Confirming receipt of the keys to the radio, station manager, Albino Tokwaro Fabian told CRN that the station management received the keys last  week on Tuesday but the Archdiocese of Juba is yet to make a decision about reopening the radio station.

Last week Tokwaro Fabian, told VOA that although they were not given conditions for the re-opening of Bakhita Radio they were told by security personnel, “to try our very best not to go into politics. We should only have developmental programs,” Tokwaro Fabian told VOA.

The return of the keys to the radio station by the security forces comes after South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir ordered security officials to return the keys to Bakhita Radio station and to allow it resume broadcasts.

e-mail: engafrica@vatiradio.va

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ALBANIA: A Kenyan welcome for Pope Francis


Fr. Benson Salonik is a Kenyan priest of Ngong Diocese. At the moment, Fr. Benson is Rector of the Olchekut Supat minor seminary in Kenya’s Ngong Diocese. Vatican Radio’s Allan Christopher Wells who is in Tirana, Albania for the Apostolic visit with Pope Francis, found Fr. Benson eagerly waiting for the Holy Father's visit today.

Fr. Benson has come a long way just to meet Pope Francis. “I couldn’t miss this occasion when I got the invitation to come and join others, here in Albania, who are meeting with Pope Francis this afternoon at the Bethany centre.” Said Fr. Benson. The Bethany centre is situated on the outskirts of the capital, Tirana.

Fr. Benson goes on to explain, “You see I have been friends and a close associate with the Bethany association for many years now.”  When the Bethany association wanted to open a house in Ngong Diocese, it was Fr. Benson who was at hand to welcome them and assist the association set-up base in his home Diocese. In Kenya, the Bethany centre has an orphanage, an outreach programme and a dispensary.

Fr. Benson adds that, “The Bethany Centre transformed Ngong Diocese when the association came. You see at the time HIV/AIDS were at the peak, in Kenya and we had so many orphans”. 

One of the last acts of Pope Francis’ historical visit to Albania, today, is a visit to Betania or "Bethany", a home for orphaned children managed by the Bethany association. The home is located in the municipality of Bubq Fushë-Krujë, a few kilometres from Tirana. Here the Pope will meet with the children of the home and with various representatives of similar and other charitable organisations working in Albania.

 "Bethany" is an association that was formed in in Verona, Italy in 1990, by Antoinette Vitale. Its focus is works of charity, inspired by prayer, that takes care of children in need. The Association also cares for adults with deals with various problem areas which range from addiction, immigration, prisoners and so on. Besides its headquarters in Albania, the association has ten houses in Italy and one in Kenya.

Paula Guarnita is the founder of the centre in Albania. As for Fr. Benson, he cannot wait to welcome Pope Francis in Kenya. He is sure Pope Francis will eventually find his way to Kenya. He says, “Pope Saint John Paul II came to Kenya a record three times during his pontificate. We will eagerly wait to welcome Pope Francis to Kenya as well.”

e-mail: engafrica@vatiradio.va

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Pain hebdomadaire du catholique. Vingt-Sixième Dimanche Ordinaire. Année A. Dimanche 28 septembre 2014. Par Théodore C. LOKO*


I. Traits définitoires du laïcat

Les laïcs constituent l’ensemble des chrétiens qui ne sont pas membres de l’ordre sacré et de l’ordre religieux (Lumen Gentium n° 31) et qui, de par leur baptême, sont incorporés au Christ et intégrés au peuple de Dieu, d’où leur participation, à leur manière, à la fonction sacerdotale, prophétique et royale du Christ.

II. Textes du jour : Ézéchiel 18, 25-28 ; Psaume 24 ; Philippiens 2,1-11 ; Matthieu 21,28-32

III. Commentaire

La conduite du Seigneur est étrange, disent les compatriotes du prophète Ézéchiel (première lecture). « Les pères ont mangé du raisin vert. Les fils ont les dents agacées » disait-on à l’époque de Jérémie et d’Ézéchiel (Ez 18,2). Ce proverbe soulignait la solidarité du peuple de génération en génération. Parce que les anciens se sont mal comportés avec Dieu, disaient-ils, Dieu punit le peuple. D’où la destruction de Jérusalem et l’exil. Le peuple cependant grommelle contre ces punitions collectives. La conduite du Seigneur est étrange, dit-il. Par la bouche du prophète, Dieu rappelle à son peuple qu’il n’est pas le Dieu des morts mais des vivants. Il ne veut pas la mort du pécheur. Aucune faute n’est impardonnable. Dieu veut et attend la conversion de son peuple. Au lieu de s’en prendre à Dieu, le peuple ferait mieux de regarder son propre comportement. C’est votre conduite qui est étrange, dit Dieu, et non la mienne. Le texte met l’accent, non plus sur la responsabilité collective, mais sur la responsabilité personnelle. Chacun est responsable de ses propres actes. Mais « personnel » ne veut pas dire « individuel ». Il n’est pas question de se désintéresser des autres et du sort du monde. Dieu invite à pratiquer le droit et la justice.

Etrangeté, effectivement, les textes de ce jour en sont l’illustration. Jésus qui était dans la condition de Dieu s’est épouillé pour prendre la condition de l’esclave, dit l’hymne aux Philippiens (deuxième lecture). Les voleurs et les prostituées vous précèdent dans le Royaume des cieux, dit Jésus aux responsables de son peuple (Évangile). Le texte se situe à l’approche de la passion. Jésus s’adresse aux chefs des prêtres et aux anciens, c’est-à-dire à l’aristocratie religieuse et laïque qui a la haute main sur le Temple. Ce sont les futurs responsables de sa mort. Il leur pose une question simple, illustrée d’une parabole limpide. Ils comprennent que le père représente Dieu et répondent facilement à la question posée. Il est en effet évident que la foi en Dieu doit se manifester plus par des actes que par des paroles. Jésus aide son auditoire à interpréter correctement sa parabole. Les chefs des prêtres et les anciens ont résolu correctement la devinette posée par Jésus. Mais ils ne voient pas comment ils sont concernés. Alors Jésus fait le bilan, très élogieux, de l’activité de Jean-Baptiste et met en valeur la justice prêchée et vécue par lui. Cette justice n’est pas une vertu sociale. Elle consiste à marcher droit, de manière juste, sur le bon chemin. Elle est un type de relation droite avec Dieu. Elle exige de se laisser remettre en cause par lui. Celui qui est juste est celui qui se laisse ajuster par Dieu. Des hommes et des femmes de mauvaise vie ont fait cette démarche, mais pas eux, les responsables du peuple. Ils ont perdu du coup leur première place dans le royaume de Dieu. Il est à remarquer que Jésus ne parle pas au futur mais au présent. Les pécheurs vous précèdent dans le Royaume de Dieu. C’est un renversement de perspectives que Jésus est venu annoncer. On comprend aisément la stupeur et la fureur de ses interlocuteurs qui ne peuvent plus laisser un pareil trublion s’exprimer dans le Temple de Jérusalem. Le prophète a dit la vérité et, comme dit la chanson, il doit être exécuté !

Ces paroles et ces actes ne sont pas étranges pour les pécheurs qui se laissent réconcilier avec Dieu et qui découvrent que sa tendresse et son amour sont de toujours.

*Ambassadeur du Bénin près le Saint-Siège

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La revue de la presse catholique africaine. Par Albert Mianzoukouta*


Pour la revue de la presse catholique de cette semaine, nous verrons ce que rapportent les confrères de SENEGLISE et SENKTO au Sénégal ; CNSN, l’agence catholique du Nigéria et IWACU, le portail de l’Eglise catholique du Burundi, nouveau venu sur cet espace.

Au Sénégal, SENKTO reprend une information diffusée par l’Office de communication de l’Archidiocèse de Dakar, selon laquelle l’Abbé Camille Joseph Gomis a été élu président de l’Union du clergé sénégalais. Le choix s’est porté sur lui à l’issue de la 38è assemblée générale du clergé à Poponguine. SENKTO précise qu’il « sera assisté de l’Abbé Jacques Sambou, du diocèse de Ziguinchor, comme Secrétaire général ; de l’Abbé Quentin Coly, du diocèse de Kaolack, Secrétaire général-adjoint et de l’Abbé Laurent Tarcissius Adioye, du diocèse de Kolda, Secrétaire à l’organisation ».

Toujours au Sénégal, SENEGLISE titre sur ce trait dont les catholiques du monde tirent aussi leur force et fierté, à savoir l’universalité de l’Eglise ! « L’Abbé Michel Niacar Kama, prêtre Fidei donum dans le diocèse de Nevers en France, a été installé comme Recteur de la Cathédrale et Curé de Nevers-centre, au cours d’une messe présidée par le Cardinal Théodore Adrien Sarr, Archevêque de Dakar, en présence de Mgr Thierry Brac de la Perrière, Evêque de Nevers, le dimanche 14 septembre 2014 », écrit le portail.

Le nouveau recteur a fait une déclaration : « C'est l'occasion pour moi de demander à la famille diocésaine de Dakar d'unir leurs prières aux nôtres afin que nous puissions réaliser les volontés du Seigneur ».

L’Agence CNSN, l’agence catholique nationale du Nigéria qui se remet à fonctionner après une léthargie de plus d’un mois, sans doute du fait des vacances, reprend ses activités juste à temps pour annoncer la fin des travaux de l’assemblée générale de la conférence épiscopale du Nigéria, le 18 septembre. Les travaux se sont tenus dans le diocèse de Warri, dans l’Etat du Delta. Le compte-rendu que rapporte l’agence fait état de la profonde préoccupation des Evêques devant scénario sans fin de ces villages, églises et diocèses qui brûlent « à Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, Taraba, Kano et Kaduna où sont massacrés des Nigérians ». Menées par des musulmans fondamentalistes, ces « attaques destructives » de Boko Haram n’épargnent pas même les musulmans eux-mêmes, et s’accompagnent d’expulsions et d’exactions de toutes sortes. « Nous pensons que nous avons toujours des gouvernements, aux niveaux fédéral et des Etats. Leur devoir premier est celui de préserver et de protéger la vie de tous les Nigérians, quelles que soient leur tribu, leur religion, leur classe sociale ou leur tradition », soulignent les Evêques selon ce que rapporte la CNSN.

Enfin, pour terminer cette revue de la presse catholique africaine, on ne peut pas passer à côté de l’article que place à la Une IWACU, le portail de l’Eglise au Burundi (et qui n’a d’ailleurs pas été ‘détrôné’ depuis le 11 septembre) : « Hommage ému à Olga, Lucia et Bernadette ».

Rénovat Ndabashinze raconte ici les émouvantes funérailles, le 10 septembre, des trois xavériennes italiennes assassinées trois jours plus tôt au quartier Kamenge de Bujumbura. Il raconte cette émotion qui sourd de partout : dans l’homélie de Mgr Gervais Banshimiyubusa, président de la Conférence épiscopale qui réclame la vérité sur ces trois meurtres ; dans le propos de Mgr Evariste Ngoyagoyé, Archevêque de Bujumbura : « Nous ne demandons pas la mort du criminel, mais qu’il soit converti »  etc…

« Des prêtres, des sœurs, et une foule des chrétiens étaient venus rendre un dernier hommage aux disparues. Tenant ses joues marquées par les années, une veille maman est dépassée par ce qui est arrivé aux sœurs qu’elle surnomme tendrement « Abavyeyi bacu » (Nos parents). Et montre le pagne qu’elle porte : « C’est un cadeau d’Olga », hoquète-t-elle, les yeux en larmes », écrit le confrère.

*Journaliste à Radio Vatican/Français-Afrique

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