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De nous à vous - From us to you - De nós para vós

De vous à nous - From you to us - De vós para nós

De nous à vous - From us to you - De nós para vós

Catéchèse du Pape (13/04/2016)/Pope’s catechesis (13/04/2016)/Catequese do Papa (13/04/2016)


Speaker : Frères et sœurs, comme Matthieu le publicain, malgré nos péchés, nous pouvons tous nous approcher du Seigneur. Il ne regarde pas tant le passé du pécheur, mais il lui ouvre un avenir nouveau. Encore faut-il répondre à son invitation, le cœur humble et sincère, se reconnaître pécheur, accepter d’avoir besoin du pardon ; choses impossibles à l’orgueilleux. Jésus appelle les pécheurs à sa table. Il les nourrit de sa Parole – parfois dure à entendre – qui entre en profondeur dans les cœurs, illumine et purifie, donne force et espérance, et de son eucharistie, qui donne la vie même de Jésus et renouvelle sans cesse la grâce du baptême. Dieu attend de nous un cœur loyal, qui reconnaît ses péchés et se repent, qui cherche à retrouver l’alliance avec Dieu. Sans un cœur contrit toute action religieuse est inefficace.


Saint Père :   

Saluto cordialmente i pellegrini di lingua francese, in particolare i gruppi del Belgio e dell’Isola di Maurizio, come pure quelli di diverse diocesi della Francia, accompagnati dai loro Vescovi; i giovani di Besançon con Mons. Bouilleret e il pellegrinaggio di Monaco, con Mons. Barsi.

Siamo tutti invitati alla mensa del Signore. Rispondiamo al suo invito e, con cuore umile e contrito, avviciniamoci senza timore per ricevere i benefici della sua misericordia e viverla con i nostri fratelli. Che Dio vi benedica.


Speaker : Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française, en particulier les groupes de Belgique et de l’Ile Maurice, ainsi que ceux de plusieurs diocèses de France, accompagnés de leurs Évêques ; les jeunes de Besançon avec Monseigneur Bouilleret, et le pèlerinage de Monaco, avec Monseigneur Barsi.

Nous sommes tous invités à la table du Seigneur. Répondons à son invitation et, le cœur humble et contrit, approchons nous sans crainte afin de recevoir les bienfaits de sa miséricorde et de la vivre avec nos frères.

Que Dieu vous bénisse.


Speaker: Dear Brothers and Sisters:  In our catechesis for this Holy Year of Mercy, we now consider the Gospel account of the calling of Saint Matthew.  Jesus not only invites a tax-collector, a public sinner, to be his disciple, but also sits at table with him, thus scandalizing the Pharisees.  The Lord then explains that he has come to call not the righteous but sinners.  The calling of Matthew reminds us that when Christ makes us his disciples, he does not look to our past but to the future.  We need but respond to his call with a humble and sincere heart.  Jesus invites us to sit with him at the table of the Eucharist, in which he purifies us by the power of his word and by the sacrament unites us ever more deeply to himself.  Citing the prophet Hosea, he tells us that what God desires is “mercy, not sacrifice”, true conversion of heart and not merely formal acts of religion.  May all of us, acknowledging our sins, respond more generously to the Lord’s invitation to sit at table with him, and with one another, with immense gratitude for his infinite mercy and saving love.


Holly Father:  

Saluto i visitatori di lingua inglese presenti all’odierna Udienza, specialmente quelli provenienti da Inghilterra, Scozia, Paesi Bassi, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Cina, Indonesia, Thailandia, Filippine, Canada e Stati Uniti d’America.  Nella gioia del Signore Risorto, invoco su di voi e sulle vostre famiglie l’amore misericordioso di Dio nostro Padre.  Il Signore vi benedica! 


Speaker: I greet the English-speaking visitors taking part in today’s Audience, particularly the pilgrims from England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, China, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Canada and the United States of America.  In the joy of the Risen Lord, I invoke upon you and your families the loving mercy of God our Father.  May the Lord bless you all!


Locutor: A vocação de Mateus é uma grande lição que nos recorda que a Igreja não é uma comunidade de seres perfeitos, mas de discípulos que seguem ao Senhor porque se reconhecem pecadores e necessitados do seu perdão. Mateus era um publicano, coletor de impostos, considerado um pecador público. Ao chamá-lo, Jesus mostra aos pecadores que não olha para o seu passado, condição social ou convencionalismos exteriores. Ele não quer uma religiosidade de fachada, como a dos fariseus, a quem lembra que Deus quer a misericórdia e não sacrifício. De fato, para quem aceita o seu convite com um coração humilde e sincero, Jesus oferece um futuro novo, que significa também ser chamado a sentar-se na sua mesa. E a mesa de Jesus, que nos transforma e salva, é dupla: a mesa da palavra, onde Ele se revela para nós e nos fala como amigos, e a mesa da Eucaristia, onde Ele nos nutre com o seu corpo e renova a graça do Batismo.


Santo Padre:  

Di cuore saluto tutti i pellegrini di lingua portoghese, in particolare i brasiliani di Uberaba e Uruaçú. Cari amici, abbandoniamo la presunzione di crederci più giusti e migliori degli altri; riconosciamo, invece, che siamo tutti discepoli e peccatori bisognosi di essere toccati dalla misericordia di Dio. Su di voi e sulle vostre comunità scenda la benedizione del Signore.


Locutor: De coração saúdo todos os peregrinos de língua portuguesa, particularmente os brasileiros de Uberaba e Uruaçu. Queridos amigos, abandonemos a presunção de nos crermos mais justos e melhores do que os outros; ao contrário, reconheçamos que somos todos discípulos e pecadores necessitados de ser tocados pela misericórdia de Deus. Sobre vós e sobre vossas comunidades, desça a benção do Senhor!

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Actes pontificaux/Pontificals acts


Le Saint Père a accepté, pour limite d’âge, la renonciation au gouvernement pastoral du diocèse de Keta-Akatsi, au Ghana, présentée par Mgr Anthony Kwami Adanuty, en conformité au Canon 401 § 1 du Code du Droit Canonique, et a nommé Administrateur Apostolique sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis du même diocèse, Mgr Emmanuel Fianu, SVD, évêque de Ho

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Pope asks for prayer for upcoming trip to Lesbos


Pope Francis on Wednesday issued an appeal for prayers for his upcoming trip to the Greek Island of Lesbos, where he will meet with some of the tens of thousands of refugees who have passed through the island.

“Next Saturday I will go to the Island  of Lesbos, where many refugees have passed in recent months,” the Pope said, speaking during his 13 April general audience at the Vatican.

“I will go, together with my brothers  Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew, Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and of all Greece, to express my closeness and solidarity to the refugees  and citizens of Lesbos, and all the Greek people – who are very generous in their welcoming.”

“I ask you to please accompany me with prayer, invoking the light and strength of the Holy Spirit and the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary.”

Pope Francis will travel to Lesbos Saturday, 16 April at the invitations of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, and of Greek President, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, the Vatican announced 7 April.

One million refugees have made their way to Greece over the past year. Lesbos is a major entry point for refugees, which has received tens of thousands of people, many of them fleeing the war in Syria.

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Vatican Radio Communiqué/Communiqué Radio Vatican/Comunicado da Rádio Vaticano


If you are listening to us on Shortwave, we would greatly appreciate a short report from you on the quality of our programmes and of the signal reaching you. Please address your report to: The Africa Promotions Office for Africa, Vatican Radio, 00120 Vatican City


Nous demandons à nos auditeurs qui nous suivent sur les Ondes courtes de bien vouloir nous faire parvenir un rapport d’écoute sur la qualité de la réception de nos programmes, à l’adresse du Bureau de Promotion-Afrique de Radio Vatican, 00120 Cité du Vatican.


Comunicado da Rádio Vaticano /Secção Portuguesa

Pedimos aos nossos ouvintes que nos escutam em Ondas Curtas que nos enviem um relatório de escuta sobre a qualidade da recepção dos nossos programas, escrevendo ao seguinte endereço do Serviço de Promoção-África da Rádio Vaticano, 00120 Cidade do Vaticano

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Avis pour les radios catholiques africaines et les auditeurs de Radio Vatican/ Notice to Catholic Radio Stations in Africa and listeners of Vatican Ra


Radio Vatican avait produit en 2011 un album musical, Afrika tenda amani (fais la paix, Afrique), avec le concours de quelques artistes musiciens africains dont Papa Wemba de la République démocratique du Congo et Bonga d’Angola. Cet album qui accompagne l’exhortation post-synodale Africae munus, reflète les thèmes de la Deuxième assemblée spéciale pour l’Afrique du Synode des Évêques (réconciliation, justice et paix), a été expédié à toutes les radios catholiques africaines par le canal des Pères Evêques diocésains auxquels Radio Vatican a fait parvenir 3 copies.

Si jamais une radio n’a pas encore reçu une copie de cet album, elle peut nous écrire (africa@vatiradio.va) nous en demander. De même, nous disposons de quelques exemplaires pour nos auditeurs qui en feront la demande. Mais la quantité est fort limitée.

P. Jean-Pierre Bodjoko, SJ

Responsable du Bureau de Promotion de Radio Vatican pour la zone Afrique

E-mail : africa@vatiradio.va


In 2011, Vatican Radio produced a music album titled Afrika tenda amani (Make Peace, Africa), with the help of a few African musicians including Papa Wemba of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Bonga from Angola. Three copies of the CD album, which accompanied the publication of the post-synodal exhortation Africae munus  and reflects on the themes of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops (reconciliation, justice and peace) was sent to all  Catholic radio stations in Africa through the local bishops.

If your radio station has not yet received a copy of this album, please write to africa@vatiradio.va to request a copy. Also, we have a limited number of copies for our listeners who may also send their requests to the above email address.

Fr. Jean-Pierre Bodjoko, SJ

Head of the Promotions Office for Africa

Vatican Radio


A Rádio Vaticano tinha produzido em 2011 um álbum musical denominado Afrika Tenda Amani (faz a paz, África), com a participação de alguns artistas músicos africanos, dentre os quais Papa Wemba da República Democrática do Congo e Bonga de Angola. Este álbum, que acompanha a Exortação pós-sinodal Africae Munus reflecte os temas da Segunda Assembleia Especial para a África do Sínodo dos Bispos (reconciliação, justiça e paz), e foi enviado a todas as Rádios Católicas africanas através dos Senhores Bispos Diocesanos aos quais a Rádio Vaticano fez chegar três cópias.

Se por acaso alguma Rádio ainda não recebeu uma cópia deste álbum, podem nos escrever (africa@vatiradio.va) para solicitá-lo. Da mesma forma, também dispomos de alguns exemplares para os nossos ouvintes que o solicitem. Mas a quantidade é muito limitada.

P. Jean-Pierre Bodjoko, SJ

Responsável do Departamento de Promoção da Rádio Vaticano, para a região África

E-mail: africa@vatiradio.va

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En plus de notre site internet, vous pouvez aussi suivre de nos nouvelles sur Facebook à l’adresse : Radio Vatican Français-Afrique. Cliquez sur "j'aime" pour interagir.

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Nos fréquences en KHz sur les Ondes courtes (Heure en Temps universel)/ Our frequencies in KHZ on Short Waves (Universal Time)/As nossas frequências e


Anglais-Afrique/ English-Africa/Inglês-África :

5 :00 : 9660 – 11625

6 :30 : 11625 – 13765

17 :30 : 11625 – 13765 - 15570

20 :00 : 11625 – 13765

[Rome: FM: 103.80]


Français-Afrique/French-Africa/Francês-África :

4 :30 : 9660– 11625

6 :00 : 11625 – 13765

17 :00 : 13765 - 15570

20 :30 : 11625 – 13765

[Rome: FM: 103.80]


Portugais-Afrique/ Portuguese-Africa/Português-África :

5 :30 : 9660 – 11625 – 13765

18 :00 : 11625 – 13765 - 15570

[Rome: FM: 103.80]


Kiswahili :

3 :30 : 7360 – 9660

7 :30 : 9660 - 11625

16 :00 : 13765 – 15570

[Rome: FM: 103.80]



Partout dans le monde, on peut suivre nos programmes à travers notre site internet www.radiovaticana.va.  De même, on peut suivre en direct les images des événements, des cérémonies du Pape sur notre Player video live dont le lien se trouve sur notre site internet.


Please note that you can follow our programmes at all times, day and night the world over. Just go to www.radiovaticana.va. Also you can follow a live video coverage of Papal events by clicking on the video player on the website.


Em todo o mundo é possível seguir os nossos programas através do nosso sito internet www.radiovaticana.va Do mesmo modo, se podem também seguir in directo as imagens dos acontecimentos e cerimónias do Papa  no nosso Player vídeo ao vivo, cujo link também se encontra no nosso sito internet.

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Adresse utile pour Radio Vatican/Useful contact of Vatican Radio/Endereço


P. Jean-Pierre BODJOKO, SJ

Responsable Bureau de Promotion-Afrique/Head of Africa’s Promotion Office/ Responsável

Sector de promoção-Afrique

e-mail: africa@vatiradio.va

Tel : +39.06.698.83366

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De vous à nous - From you to us - De vós para nós

ÁFRICA. Migrantes no centro da Assembleia dos Bispos da CERNA


No comunicado final traça-se antes de mais um retracto da vida da Igreja nos países da CERNA (Conferência Episcopal Regional do Norte de África): na Tunísia, sublinha-se como a Igreja olhe “com confiança para o caminho do país na sequencia da revolução de 2011” não obstante “as dificuldades e provações” enfrentadas, como por exemplo o atentado de há um ano atrás no Museu do Bardo. E a Igreja no país continua o seu trabalho nos sectores da educação e da caridade assim como também de solidariedade juntos dos migrantes que chegam ao país.

No Marrocos, a igreja está mais virada para o “diálogo inter-religioso” e aposta em “iniciativas pastorais” orientadas para jovens e ainda nos “serviços para pessoas em dificuldade” sem deixar de lado os migrantes que vão chegando. 

Quanto à Argélia, o comunicado recorda as dificuldades do país perante a queda do preço do petróleo, e as expectativas da Igreja que, desde 2015, está sem bispo titular de Argel e também de Núncio Apostólico. Chama-se ainda a atenção para a celebração do centenário da morte do Charles de Faucauld, que ocorrerá a 1 de Dezembro próximo, assim como também os 20 anos do assassinato dos 7 monges de Thibirine, ocorrido em março de 1996.

As dificuldades da criação de um Governo de Unidade Nacional na Líbia são também postas em evidência. Precisamente devido às causas dessa crise, nenhum dos prelados da Líbia pôde tomar parte na Assembleia. Mandaram, todavia, uma nota informativa em que assinalam à Cerna a “partida de muitos trabalhadores expatriados e a situação precária em que vivem os migrantes”. Assinalam ainda que algumas comunidades religiosas prosseguem corajosamente o seu trabalho na esperança de que os as partes em causa consigam restabelecer a paz e a estabilidade e que o país em geral e a Igreja local possam retomar um novo rumo.

Sinais positivas chegam, pelo contrário da Mauritânia, onde a Diocese de Nouakchott está a celebrar os 50 anos da fundação da comunidade cristã naquela República muçulmana, comunidade que está a crescer.

Nesta assembleia da Cerna participou como convidado D. Demenico Mogavero, Bispo de Mazzara del Vallo, ilha italiana da Sicília, que informou sobre os trabalhos que estão a fazer na ilha a favor dos migrantes. Ele mostrou-se critico em relação ao acordo entre a EU e a Turquia que prevê a expulsão da Grécia para a Turquia de todos os migrantes irregulares chegados depois de 20 de Março, passando através das fronteiras  turcas. Criticas às quais se unem os bispos da Cerna que exprimem indignação perante as gravíssimas consequências desta política para os seus países e, sobretudo, para os migrantes.

Os bispos sublinham que em termos estatísticos a Igreja católica na África do Norte não tem números significativos de baptismos e matrimónios, mas que os serviços levados a cabo juntamente com os muçulmanos demonstram que “o Reino de Deus está à obra”. E perante as difíceis situações políticas que se vivem na região, recordam que o papel da Igreja não é tomar posições de principio, mas de estar em espírito de fraternidade ao lado de quem sofre e procura uma ajuda para viver dignamente.

Por isso convidam a uma abertura fraterna, não obstante os preconceitos e racismos e vêem na mobilidade humana, com todos os seus riscos e dificuldades, uma ocasião para essa abertura.

E terminam recordando que a Europa não e única meta e ponto de chegada dos migrantes. “Não há país africano que não acolhe, por sua vez, deslocados, refugiados e migrantes” em geral. E perante os temores de uma “islamização da Europa” a Cerna pergunta-se: “Viver como uma cidadela fortificada, assediada, é realmente o modo melhor de reagir”, ou é melhor “fortes na fé, “acolher de forma dinâmica o novo mundo que bate à porta porque  - frisam - “tudo passa, mas a caridade jamais passará?”. 

Exprimindo apreço pela presença de D. Benjamim Ndiaye na Assembleia, os bispos da CERNA  concluíram dizendo que a próxima assembleia será no Senegal em finais de 2017.

Dulce ARAÚJO,                                Redação Portuguesa da Rádio Vaticano

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Kenyan Bishops: ICC ruling denies victims healing


At the weekend, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) issued a pastoral statement to the media on the State of the Nation in which they tackled current issues affecting Kenya. Prominent among these matters is the 5 April ICC decision which has polarized opinion in Kenya.

Judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) terminated the case against Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto and former journalist Joshua arap Sang, who were facing charges of crimes against humanity in the post-2007 election violence.

The ICC cited interference with prosecution witnesses and political meddling as reasons for terminating the case.  Notwithstanding some victory celebrations in Kenya, the ICC judges declined to acquit outrightly Ruto and Sang. Initially, the two were charged together with Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta and others for the same case.

The ICC decision means that for the majority of the victims, closure the truth, justice, reparations and guarantee of non-repetition has been denied them.  In their pastoral statement, addressed to Kenyans, the Kenyan Bishops seem to agree.

“As Catholic Bishops, we see the ruling, not as an outcome of winners and losers. However, the result of the decision does not resolve the cause and pain of the violence. We realize that the trauma of the post-election violence has not been fully healed. Moreover, many of the displaced persons still have not gotten justice. Our appeal to the national government and other County Governments is to offer solutions for the victims, through compensations and plans of reconciliation and integration. This is an opportunity for Kenya to sincerely demonstrate its commitment of never again to take the country back to the dark days of 2007/2008.”

The Pastoral Statement of the Bishops also calls appeals to Kenyans to shun corruption which they say is killing the country and "making us a sick nation.".

“Corruption cannot be weeded out by half-hearted measures. It has to be a total war using all the means that we have as a country. Nobody should be spared beginning from the top to the bottom, the mighty or the least, those who have and those who have not. All those mentioned as kingpins of corruption must be investigated and prosecuted when facts are proven. Those holding public positions and linked with corruption must step aside immediately to pave way for investigations,” the Bishops appeal.

The Bishops make specific mention of “endemic corruption in the Police Service and other security agencies.”

Other issues in the pastoral statement include the condemnation of political alliances based on ethnicity. These alliances, the Bishops say are clearly not “the coming together of like- minded individuals or groups but [rather the] bringing together [of] various tribes so that they can vote as blocs,” the statement said.

The Bishops urge Kenyans to tackle Cultural Radicalization among the youth. Another area of concern for the Bishops is the  the issue of cheating in examinations, stealing of papers and other malpractices prevalent in national school examinations.


Find below the full statement of the Bishop:

Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Press Statement on the State of the Nation

Situation of our Nation

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? For what can a man give in return for his life" (Mk 8:36-37).


Dear Brothers and Sisters, we the Catholic Bishops of Kenya, gathered for our Ordinary Plenary Assembly of Bishops, at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, Nairobi, greet you in the words of the Risen Christ on that Easter evening, "Peace be with you". As we take time to reflect on the life and mission of the Church, we have also had time to reflect on the state of our Nation and therefore, as your shepherds, wish to raise our voice on several issues that are of great concern to all of us.

The visit of His Holiness Pope Francis is still fresh in our minds. The experience of his visit is unforgettable. His example of humility, his powerful and bold message to all Kenyans, his concern for young people of this nation, the poorest of the poor in our slums, and indeed the care of our environment are experiences that will forever shape and transform our society. As we embrace and live the excitement of this visit, the task of building on the foundation of his message must be sustained with greater enthusiasm.

We are eternally grateful for his ever first and historic visit. Kenyans must feel blessed and encouraged by this visit. We sincerely thank the Holy Father for choosing Kenya as the first stop in his Apostolic visit to Africa. Our message to you dear Kenyans, taking the encouraging words of the Holy Father, "Stand strong in Faith, Do not be afraid" is contained in this reflection on the state of our beloved Country Kenya.

"You shall be my Witnesses", (Acts 1:8) for the Sanctification and Salvation of all People.

Our National Foundation

When our forefathers and all those who struggled for the birth of this great Nation of Kenya fought for our independence, they dreamt of a sovereign Nation where all will have equal opportunities to develop, prosper and live in dignity freed from the scourges of poverty, diseases and illiteracy. This vision was not only for themselves and their children but for all generations to come.

They dreamt of a Country guided by visionary leaders who would have the welfare of the entire Country at heart; National Leaders of integrity who would rise above petty personal and ethnic interests so as to forge a united Nation that would shine among other Nations as a place of peace, prosperity and integrity. Our founding fathers expected those who would come after them to keep the dream alive and move the Country forward to even greater heights.

What we need to ask ourselves now is: Is our Country heading in the right direction that will bring development and prosperity to all Kenyans? Have things in Kenya developed the way our founders envisaged or are there serious shortcomings and pitfalls that need to be addressed urgently? Are the present leaders we have living up to the standards required so as to deliver the promises made and meet the aspirations of all Kenyans?

Without doubt there are some strides made towards the right direction. However, a quick glance at the present situation of our Country reveals some dangerous trends and practices that should make everyone who has this country at heart concerned and wonder whether those principles and ideals that our forefathers fought and gave their lives for are not going down the drain.

International Criminal Court (ICC) Ruling

During our Plenary Assembly we received the news of the outcome of the ICC case involving our Deputy President and a Journalist. As Catholic Bishops, we see the ruling, not as an outcome of winners and losers.

However, the outcome of the ruling does not resolve the cause and pain of the violence. We realize that the trauma of the post-election violence has not been fully healed. Moreover, many of the displaced persons still have not gotten justice. Our appeal to the National Government and other County Governments, is to offer solutions for the victims, through compensations and plans of reconciliation and integration. This is an opportunity for Kenya to sincerely demonstrate its commitment of NEVER again to take the Country back to the dark days of 2007/2008, to be more conscious of the plight of the victims, to invest more in building true reconciliation and work towards a truly united Nation. It must never be forgotten that many people lost their lives; thousands more were displaced and have never gone back to normal life. In this Year of the Jubilee of Mercy, Kenya has the opportunity to initiate a new beginning. This must be our concern and our focus.

Corruption: A Disease that Is making us a sick nation

The cancer of corruption is killing our Country. The ordinary men and women are bearing the burden of corruption. The majority of Kenyans are wallowing in poverty and are unable to meet their basic needs. They don't have access to proper medical care. They lack adequate educational facilities and enough teachers for quality education. The youth see no future because of unemployment and even where there is the possibility of jobs they have to pay bribes and kickbacks to secure those jobs. Similarly, unless they know somebody high up nobody will consider them. The daily revelations and exposure of corrupt deals and stealing of money from public coffers by top Government officials, paints a picture of how low we have sunk as a Country. The fact that the cancer has spread to all arms of government and is going on in both national and County Governments, as well as other sectors of the Kenyan society, tempts one to despair and to give up without a fight. We can't give up. Now is the time to rise and face this malignant disease with all the weapons we have.

Pope Francis, during his visit to Kenya last year decried this sickness and pointed out that the only way to root out corruption is by each one of us saying "No to corruption. The Pope called upon all of us to declare war on corruption and fight to the end.

Corruption cannot be weeded out by half-hearted measures. It has to be a total war using all the means that we have as a Country. Nobody should be spared beginning from the top to the bottom, the mighty or the least, those who have and those who have not. All those mentioned as kingpins of corruption must be investigated and prosecuted when facts are proven. Those holding public positions and linked with corruption must step aside immediately to pave way for investigation.

Stealing Of Examination Papers and cheating in schools

The Examination leakages, the selling of examination papers and sharing these examination papers witnessed last year constituted one of the worst forms of corruption that this Country has ever experienced. Cheating in exams has far reaching consequences not only for our education system but the integrity of the Country itself. The people involved in this racket have punctured the integrity of our education. Stealing examination papers will kill the reading culture of our students and make meaningless their effort to study and the quest for knowledge that is at the heart of learning.

All those officials involved in the racket should not only be sacked but should be brought to book and punished accordingly for this is a crime against our beloved Nation and a crime against the future of the children of this Country.

It is incumbent upon the new Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) Board to redeem the image and dignity of our education standards.

Judiciary and Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission (IEBC) 

We are appalled by the information that those very institutions that bear the most necessary responsibilities of our Country are now rotting away with corruption. Allegations of corruption have been levelled against the Judiciary, and what is more, against the highest Court in the land, the Supreme Court. So where do we go for justice?

The Election process is one of the most important activities of any country, to promote good governance and democracy. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission is such an important institution to oversee this process, that when it is also riddled with corruption and incompetence, then our democracy and future growth of this nation is in danger. There is need on the part of all of us and especially those involved to make them more effective in accordance with the constitution in order to restore their credibility and confidence.

The Police

The endemic corruption in the Police Service and other security agencies is yet another of those diseases that have eaten into the fabric of our Nation, thereby exposing Kenyans to the perennial threats of terrorism, insecurity and violence. This is clearly obvious to Kenyans in the bribes exchanged at police check points and stations. Our borders are not secure, our roads are mere collection points, our towns and villages are not safe. Kenyans do not feel safe.

Kenyans! give no bribe, receive no bribe!

Political Leaders

If the very institutions constitutionally appointed to oversee the affairs of Kenyans are now deeply involved in the disease of corruption and the rot of our nation, then we are left wondering to whom to turn. If the very legislators elected to represent the Kenyans, in formulating policies of developing lives are accomplices in Corruption, shuttling around the country, making inciting statements that raise political temperatures especially when elections are near, then our country is sick. We must put an end to this. We, the Catholic Bishops wish to raise our voices to our political leaders and say, this must stop. Let us stop bleeding our Country to death. As your shepherds we are not going to allow our Churches and institutions to become platforms of political rhetoric, campaign venues, foul language and hideouts for looted funds and corrupt monies.

We appeal to the consciences of all our leaders, those heading constitutional commissions, institutions and bodies, our leaders in the executive, the Judiciary and the legislature to seriously remember the duty incumbent upon them and to realize that this is our Country. We are all part of it. If it sinks, we sink together.

Radical Ethnicity

While tribalism has been a problem in Kenya, the way ethnicity is being radicalized today is very worrying. This is clearly seen in political alliances that are not so much based on the coming together of like- minded individuals or groups but on bringing together various tribes so that they can vote as blocs. It is also evident whenever an action is taken against an individual, who has done some malpractices, immediately the cry is heard that he or she is being punished, or removed, because he or she comes from that tribe or the other. Another area that tribalism is being practiced without shame is in the Counties. To be employed in the County one has to come from the dominant tribe or clan. Some Kenyans are being termed as minorities in some Counties hence tribalism has been devolved and is now entrenched in the Counties. We are now looking at everything from the prism of ethnicity.

Cultural Radicalization of the Youth

In the recent past, we have witnessed an alarming rate of the radicalization of youths into dangerous groups and activities that have created insecurity and deviant behaviour. The information that many young people are being lured into events and activities that expose them to immorality and cultural decadence is worrying us all. We are seeing a culture that endorses immorality spreading all over the Country. We note with sadness the use of indecent and vulgar language by those who are in position of leadership. This is giving a bad example to the young people. What is more worrying is the organized corruption of the youth through bribery, supply of drugs and promotion of sexual immorality in designated places. Parents seem to have abdicated their parental role and neglected the upbringing of their children in the morally accepted ways.

We are concerned that while we witness this decadence there is a tendency to conveniently side-line religion in schools, and the role of the Church in our Education institutions. We condemn very strongly those who corrupt the youth by distributing money and drugs. We are consequently moving towards a Godless society, where there is no regard for all objective roles that characterize a civilized Nation.

As your shepherds, we call upon you the young people of Kenya, to heed the powerful message of Pope Francis at Kasarani. You must not waste your lives. Do not give in to the devil. Look to Christ as your model and refuse to be lured by the passing pleasures of this world. As your shepherds we commit ourselves to journey with' you and help you to have hope and recognize your dignity. We urge all those who work with and for the young people to help them cherish their hopes and aspirations.

"The Love Of Money Is The Root Cause Of Evil" (1 Tim. 6: 10

Our society has turned money into a god. Some People tend to live for money and their philosophy is to have as much money as possible, as quickly as possible and in any way possible. The madness to make more and more money is permeating all levels of our society. Those entrusted with National and County resources are plundering these resources without blinking an eye. We call upon the citizens of this Country to be vigilant and expose all the thieves who should then be made to return the money they have stolen and made to face the law.


Dear Kenyans, we encourage you not to lose hope. Christ has gained victory over despair. We must never slacken in our determination to make Kenya a home for all of us. Let us all fight the evil within us, let us commit ourselves individually and collectively to reject any form of corruption that is destroying our social fabric. We urge all God loving people, of all religions, faiths and confessions, to take the lead in fighting evil. As your Church leaders we are prepared to join and support efforts to create a society of love, peace and integrity. May the message of Pope Francis burn within the hearts of all people of Kenya like the Emmaus Disciples and inspire us into action.

As we conclude we pray invoking the Prayer of Pope Francis to the Jubilee of Mercy, "that the Lord may send his Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed and restore sight to the blind."

Signed: Rt Rev. Phillip Anyolo

Chairman –Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops/Homa Bay

Date: April 8 2016

Rt. Rev. John Oballa Owaa, Vice Chairman- (KCCB)/Ngong

His Eminence John Cardinal Njue, Nairobi

Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth, Kisumu

Most Rev. Peter Kairo, Nyeri

Most Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde, Mombasa

Rt. Rev. Cornelius Arap Korir, Eldoret

Rt. Rev. Joseph Mairura Okemwa, Kisii

Rt. Rev. Alfred Rotich, Military Ordinariate

Rt. Rev. Maurice Crowley, Kitale

Rt. Rev. Norman Wambua King'oo, Bungoma

Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, IMC, Marsabit

Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng'ang'a, Aux. Bishop Nairobi

Rt. Rev. Anthony Ired Mukobo, IMC, lsiolo Vicariate

Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante, Maralal

Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugarnbi, Meru

Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okombo, Kericho

Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria, Kitui/ Apostolic Administrator, Machakos

Rt. Rev. James Maria Wainaina, Murang'a

Rt. Rev. Paul Kariuki Njiru, Embu

Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia Makumba, Nakuru

Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich, Lodwar

Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Barbara, Malindi

Rt. Rev. Joseph Mbatia, Nyahururu

Rt. Rev. Joseph Alessandro, Garissa

Rt. Rev. Joseph Obanyi Sagwe, Kakamega

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RD CONGO : Session ordinaire de l’Assemblée Episcopale Provinciale de Kananga


La première Session ordinaire 2016 de l’Assemblée Episcopale Provinciale de Kananga (ASSEPKA) s’est tenue du 4 au 6 avril 2016 au Centre Cipanda des Auxiliaires de l’Apostolat de Kananga. Au cours de cette session, les évêques ont notamment fait le point sur la réception, dans les huit Diocèses de la Province Ecclésiastique de Kananga, de l’Année universelle de la Miséricorde et de l’Année provinciale du Jubilé de l’Evangélisation du Kasaï (8/12/1891-2016). Les Pères évêques se sont également penché sur la situation sociopolitique de la région du Kasaï, sur le fonctionnement et l’organisation de l’Enseignement au sein des Institutions d’enseignement supérieur de la région ecclésiastique, sur la Session sur l’accompagnement spirituel des séminaristes, tenue du 29 mars au 2 avril 2016, au Theologicum Christ-Roi de Malole ; sur la situation financière des Maisons communes de formation de la région. Les évêques ont par ailleurs fait le point sur la vie liturgique dans la Province Ecclésiastique ; sur la catéchèse et ont fait le bilan du fonctionnement du Secrétariat Exécutif de leur Assemblée Episcopale Provinciale et de ses services techniques. Les Evêques ont aussi nommé une équipe interdiocésaine pour la réception de l’exhortation apostolique post-synodale Amoris laetitia du Pape François et des récentes mesures canoniques sur le mariage.

Voici en intégralité le communiqué à l’issue de cette Session ordinaire des évêques

Communiqué de Presse Nº 3/2016

Session Ordinaire de L’assepka

Kananga, 4 - 6 avril 2016

Du 4 au 6 avril 2016, s’est tenue, au Centre Cipanda des Auxiliaires de l’Apostolat de Kananga, la première Session ordinaire de l’Assemblée Episcopale Provinciale de Kananga (ASSEPKA) pour l’année de grâce 2016. Au cours de cette Session :

1. Les Evêques ont fait le point sur la réception, dans les huit Diocèses de la Province Ecclésiastique de Kananga, de l’Année universelle de la Miséricorde et de l’Année provinciale du Jubilé de l’Evangélisation du Kasayi (8/12/1891-2016). Vu l’utilité pastorale et spirituelle de ces deux célébrations, cette évaluation a permis de lever de nouvelles options pour enrichir et redynamiser les différentes initiatives diocésaines et provinciales.

2. Les Evêques ont passé en revue la situation sociale et politique de la Région du Kasayi en cette heure d’incertitudes pour l’ensemble du Pays. Ils ont arrêté des lignes de conduite pour, d’une part, aider l’Eglise à éviter les pièges dans lesquels elle peut tomber et, d’autre part, aider notre Peuple à comprendre les enjeux du moment et à assumer ses responsabilités.

3.Les Evêques se sont penchés sur le fonctionnement et l’organisation interne des trois Universités Catholiques et de l’Institut Supérieur de Sciences Religieuses de la Province Ecclésiastique de Kananga. Ils ont adopté des mesures en vue d’une gestion encore plus efficace et ils ont nommé le nouvel aumônier de l’Université Notre Dame du Kasayi.

4. Les Evêques ont analysé les conclusions de la Session sur l’accompagnement spirituel des séminaristes, tenue du 29 mars au 2 avril 2016, au Theologicum Christ-Roi de Malole. Ils ont constitué une équipe interdiocésaine pour préparer un Guide de l’accompagnement spirituel pour le Séminaire du Kasayi. Ils ont aussi arrêté un plan de préparation et de formation du personnel pour doter le Séminaire, d’ici 2010, d’une équipe complètes de formateurs.

5. Les Evêques ont analysé les conclusions de l’audit financier des cinq maisons du Grand Séminaire Interdiocésain du Kasayi. Cet audit, qui a eu lieu en février et en mars 2016, a permis de bien identifier les problèmes matériels du Séminaire du Kasayi ainsi que les pistes de solution locale pour promouvoir la prise en charge matérielle des séminaristes par leurs Diocèses d’appartenance, leurs familles et par leurs maisons de formation. Pour atteindre cet objectif, les Evêques du Kasayi ont décidé d’organiser, en juillet 2016, une session de capacitation en gestion à l’attention des recteurs, des économes et du personnel de l’intendance du Séminaire, en vue de la bonne exploitation et rentabilisation des ressources locales. Ils ont arrêté de nouveaux taux de contribution financière des familles et des Diocèses des séminaristes, qui entreront en vigueur en octobre 2016. Ces contributions pourront assurer, d’ici 2010, la prise en charge du Séminaire à la hauteur de 65%.

6. Les Evêques ont fait le point sur la vie liturgique dans la Province Ecclésiastique et sur les travaux de traduction de nouvelles éditions des livres liturgiques de l’Eglise. Ils ont arrêté un nouveau calendrier de travail pour l’équipe chargée de ces travaux. En outre, ils ont décidé d’organiser, en juillet 2016, une session de formation à l’attention des responsables des commissions diocésaines de liturgie dans les huit Diocèses du Kasayi, et en avril 2017, un colloque scientifique sur la liturgie dans l’Eglise du Kasayi.

7. Les Evêques ont été informés de l’achèvement de premiers travaux de traduction en ciluba du Compendium du Catéchisme de l’Eglise Catholique. Ils ont fixé le calendrier pour la relecture de cette traduction dans les équipes diocésaines, avant la conclusion par l’équipe technique interdiocésaine en juillet 2016.

8. Les Evêques ont nommé une équipe interdiocésaine pour la réception de l’exhortation apostolique post-synodale Amoris laetitia du Pape François (8 avril 2016) et des récentes mesures canoniques sur le mariage. Cette équipe a reçu la charge d’organiser, en juin 2016, une session d’étude et de formation avec les responsables provinciaux et diocésains de la pastorale de la famille, et d’assurer la vulgarisation de l’enseignement du Magistère sur la spiritualité chrétienne du mariage et de la famille, en promouvant l’esprit critique contre les courants de la culture de la mort qui sont en train d’envahir notre Pays.

9. Enfin, les Evêques ont fait le bilan du fonctionnement du Secrétariat Exécutif de leur Assemblée Episcopale Provinciale et les onze services techniques, mis sur pied depuis le 25 mars 2014. Ils ont pris les décisions nécessaires pour assurer à ces services une viabilité institutionnelle et les rendre encore plus efficaces et plus performants.

Fait à Kananga, le 6 avril 2016

Abbé Apollinaire CIBAKA CIKONGO

Secrétaire Exécutif

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MOÇAMBIQUE. Faleceu D. Jaime Pedro Gonçalves, Arcebispo Emérito da Beira


Faleceu na madrugada deste dia 6 de Abril, na sua residência em Moçambique, vítima de doença prolongada, D. Jaime Pedro Gonçalves, Arcebispo Emérito da Beira. Ele foi um dos principais mediadores, em representação da Igreja moçambicana, para os  Acordos de Paz que puseram termo aos longos anos de guerra pós-independência em Moçambique, Acordos assinados em Roma a 4 de Outubro de 1992.

Em entrevista à Rádio Vaticano, a 4 de Julho de 2012, D. Jaime, já na altura Arcebispo Emérito da Arquidiocese da Beira, evocava as principais etapas do seu longo percurso na vida da Igreja em Moçambique e em África.  Falava também do descanso, já livre de grandes preocupações,  e recordava, sem fazer promessas,  os diversos pedidos que lhe chegavam de vários lados para pôr por escrito o processo que levou ao Acordo Geral de Paz para Moçambique e os 35 anos que passou à frente da Arquidiocese da Beira.  Eis as suas palavras:

“A experiência de emérito é caracterizada sobretudo pelo descanso, uma vez que se é emérito; a gente se liberta de tantas preocupações que a gente anda a viver durante o tempo em que, de facto, tem responsabilidades da Diocese ou da Arquidiocese. Portanto, o descanso livre das grandes preocupações de tal maneira que a gente até pode ter a sensação de que já não tem nada a fazer neste mundo, senão descansar despreocupadamente. Um aspecto bastante bom, sobretudo para aqueles bispos que durante muito tempo se agitaram para resolver problemas da Diocese, como foi no meu caso. De facto, durante 35 anos estive à frente da Diocese e depois da Arquidiocese. Tive responsabilidades na Conferência Episcopal de Moçambique, fui Presidente por mais de 10 aos; passei depois para a organização da Associação Regional das Conferências Episcopais da África Austral – IMBISA – e fui Presidente durante 9 anos. Enquanto estava na IMBISA, passei também a ser segundo vice-presidente do SECAM, o Simpósio das Conferências Episcopais da África. Isto implicou muito movimento da minha parte, muitas saídas e, depois, com o processo de paz não sabíamos bem onde realizar [os encontros] e acabamos por ir até Roma e concluiu-se com o Acordo Geral de Paz” em Moçambique. Então, tudo isso me agitou muito. Então agora estou a experimentar o descanso”.

- Um descanso merecido?!

“(riso) Dizem que sim”.

- E quais são os seus projectos de vida agora, pois está ainda cheio de energia e tem muito a dar ao seu País, à Igreja universal?

“Projectos pessoais ainda não os fiz, na medida em que não queria prometer fazer alguma coisa que depois não poderei fazer. É consistente o pedido de várias pessoas de que eu ponha por escrito todo o processo de paz em Moçambique. Há pessoas que também pedem as actividades realizadas como bispo na Arquidiocese da Beira durante tanto tempo: 35 anos. Isto poderia, de facto, ajudar também a história tanto pastoral como a história do pessoal, dos bispos da Beira… Portanto, há de todos os lados pedidos para que eu faça alguma coisa por escrito. Mas eu não posso prometer porque muita coisa foi feita não com apontamentos, com datas, mas fomos fazendo à medida que era preciso fazer alguma coisa. Por isso, fazer a História duma coisa que não está muito escrita é difícil. Por isso, não vale a pena prometer."

- Mas somos um continente de oralidade e a oralidade tornou-se uma fonte histórica muito importante. E o Senhor está ainda com boa memória, graças a Deus, então é preciso pôr-se à obra, não é?

“Neste sentido, se houve uma actividade nessa linha de pedir que eu diga alguma coisa do que sei e se grave e depois alguém mais tarde põe isso por escrito, talvez pudesse fazer, como agora que estou a falar à Rádio Vaticano, pode ser que eu fale a um gravador e então as pessoas mais competentes poderiam pôr isso por escrito mais tarde. Isto talvez fosse mais viável, sim “.      

D. Jaime acabou, no entanto, por escrever o livro sobre o processo de paz, livro que foi lançado em  Outubro de 2014, com o título: "A Paz dos Moçambicanos".

Nota biográfica sobre D. Jaime:

Dom Jaime Gonçalves, arcebispo Emérito da Beira, nasceu em Nova Sofala, a 26 de Novembro de 1938. É filho de Pedro Gonçalves e de Luísa Laurinda. Depois dos estudos primários ingressou no Seminário de Zóbue em Tete. Findo o curso do seminário menor, frequentou os Seminários Maiores de Namaacha e Malhangalene, em Maputo, onde estudou a filosofia e teologia.

Dom Jaime Pedro Gonçalves trabalhou pela Paz em Moçambique, em nome da Conferência Episcopal de Moçambique e do Vaticano, tendo-se envolvido directamente no processo de busca da paz em Moçambique, de 1985 a 1992, processo que culminou com a assinatura do Acordo Geral de Paz a 4 de Outubro de 1992, em Roma.

Impressões acerca D. Jaime:

“D. Jaime Gonçalves - um homem de fé e de causas” - é a homenagem que o representante da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura (FAO) em Lisboa fez ao Arcebispo Emérito da Beira que foi este sábado a sepultar naquela cidade moçambicana.

Hélder Muteia, que privou com D. Jaime Gonçalves quando foi Ministro da Agricultura de Moçambique, diz que o papel daquele prelado no processo de paz jamais será esquecido porque trouxe a “dimensão humana” do diálogo.

Um bispo “muito ouvido” pelo poder político, refere o responsável da FAO que considera que “a sociedade moçambicana fica mais pobre porque perdemos uma voz autorizada em nome dos mais desfavorecidos”.

Também o P. Sando Faeda, Missionário da Consolata, em conversa na manhã deste dia 6 com a Rádio Vaticano, a partir de Guiúa (Inhambane) em Moçambique, enalteceu a figura de D. Jaime, dizendo que correu muitos riscos pela paz naquele país da África Austral. 

Redação Portuguesa da Rádio Vaticano

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Church to use its idle land in Africa for Agriculture


Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (KCCB) Pontifical Missionary Society (PMS) National Director, Fr. Celestino Bundi has said the Catholic Church has elaborate structures and capacity to play a part in human existence-food security. Following this realisation, 40 pilot agricultural projects in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Kenya have been launched. 

The idea of the projects is to improve the lives of parishioners and communities through successful agricultural enterprise. The Church intends to produce food on its farms to bridge the food deficit in the world.

Fr. Bundi says this initiative stems from a commitment of the universal Church to improve food security in Africa and the world. The commitment will be put into action through the promotion of agricultural projects that make the best use of available, idle or underutilised Church-owned land. The income generated from these projects will support the work of evangelization in the Church.

Fr. Bundi also said the time was now ripe for Kenyans to embrace diversification of food crops to reduce over-reliance on Maize that only grows in certain parts of the country. He called for the use of Irrigation in arid and semi-arid areas.

Several women religious congregations, seminaries, as well as Caritas programmes, are already participating in the Kenyan roll-out of the PMS agricultural pilot project. 

The whole initiative was conceived by an Oblate of Mary Immaculate priest, Fr. Andrew Small, who is the National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies in the USA. He was inspired by the 2013 address of Pope Francis to the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) delegates in Rome.

Rose ACHIEGO,                               in Nairobi, Kenya



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RD CONGO : Synode diocésain à Wamba


Dans le Diocèse de Wamba, le 3ème Dimanche de Pâques a été célébré solennellement avec une particularité marquant l’ouverture de la 1ère session du 1er Synode diocésain qui a connu son début le Mardi Saint de l’année passée sur le thème: « L’Eglise de Wamba en marche vers la nouvelle évangélisation ». "Vous êtes le sel de la terre…Vous êtes la lumière du monde" (Mt 5 :13-14), "Comme le Père m’a envoyé, moi aussi je vous envoie" ».

Son Excellence Mgr Janvier Kataka, Evêque de Wamba, a présidé cette célébration eucharistique dont l’entrée s’est effectuée par la porte sainte de la Cathédrale. Il  a été entouré des prêtres qui ont concélébré, y compris l’Abbé Emmanuel Nsukula du Diocèse de Matadi, expert qui accompagne les travaux de ce 1er Synode diocésain. La célébration eucharistique  a connu la participation d’une foule immense des fidèles de la communauté chrétienne, dont les délégués synodaux venaient de tous les horizons du Diocèse.

Dans son homélie, Mgr Kataka a focalisé son attention sur la déclaration d’amour de Pierre pour le christ, lequel amour était précédé du triple reniement. Lors de son apparition sur le lac de Galilée, Jésus voudrait se rassurer si vraiment Pierre l’aime et c’est seulement après qu’il lui confiera la charge de l’Eglise, charge qui consiste à nourrir le peuple de Dieu par sa Parole en vue d’affermir sa foi.

Ainsi, a poursuivi l’Archevêque de Wamba, dans l’Eglise, il y a de ceux-là qui ont reçu des charges. Le Seigneur leur demande d’être des modèles du troupeau et de guider son peuple par amour. C’est cet  amour du christ qui le conduit au sacrifice. En s’adressant aux délégués synodaux, Mgr l’Evêque les a exhortés sur la nature de la célébration du Synode diocésain qui est un nouveau tournant décisif de l’avenir du Diocèse en marche qui doit désormais prendre un nouvel élan de son évangélisation.

Au cours de cette célébration eucharistique, deux autres faits ont eu un caractère spécial, notamment :

- Une maquette de  l’Eglise cathédrale dont tous les représentants des  membres (y compris la minorité pygmée) de la famille de Dieu qui est à Wamba ont apporté leur symbole de brique de construction, en commençant par l’Evêque jusqu’aux enfants ; symbole d’une Eglise engagée et déterminée qui prend son nouvel élan vers sa nouvelle évangélisation. Cette maquette est symbole de l’unité de l’église particulière de Wamba où aucun baptisé n’a le droit de se soustraire pour la bâtir.

- La profession solennelle de foi par les délégués synodaux.

A la clôture de la célébration eucharistique, Mgr Kataka a remercié toute la communauté chrétienne en général et les délégués synodaux en particulier pour les efforts conjugués aux travaux de l’étape préparatoire du 1er Synode diocésain, notamment : les travaux en  équipes synodales, les travaux en assemblées synodales paroissiales, les travaux en assemblées décanales et l’élaboration de l’Instrumentum laboris. Il a enfin souhaité aux délégués synodaux une bonne participation active aux séances de la 1ère session du synode diocésain et a exhorté les fidèles à soutenir ces travaux par leurs prières.  

A la sortie de la célébration eucharistique, la maquette symbolisant l’église famille de Dieu qui est à Wamba a été solennellement apportée au cadre prévu pour la 1ère Session du Synode. Ce cadre est « le baptistère » où la Bienheureuse Marie Clémentine Anoalite, fille de Wamba, a été baptisée. 

Notons enfin que, cette « salle de recueillement » où se déroule le 1er Synode diocésain est pleine de signification : elle symbolise le baptême qui fait renaître le disciple du Christ et symbolise ainsi la renaissance de l’église particulière de Wamba.


Directeur a.i. de Radio Nepoko du Diocèse de Wamba

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Mozambique mourns Archbishop Emeritus, Jaime


Amidst renewed political tensions in Mozambique, the Archbishop Emeritus of Beira, Jaime Pedro Gonçalves will be laid to rest this Saturday. 

Archbishop Jaime, a towering Church and national figure in the history of Mozambique was the Chief negotiator representing the Mozambican Church at talks that led to a political settlement now known as the Rome 1992 Comprehensive Peace Agreement. It was signed by the then warring parties of Renamo and Frelimo. 

The Archdiocese of Beira in Mozambique confirmed 9 April as the burial date, to Radio Vatican’s Portuguese Service. Archbishop Jaime died Wednesday this week, at a clinic in Beira, after a long illness. He was admitted to the hospital last Sunday.  

The Archbishop was 79.

In a 4 July 2012 wide-ranging interview with Vatican Radio, Archbishop Jaime spoke about the various stages of his life in the Church; in Mozambique and Africa. He talked about resting now that he was no longer Archbishop of Beira. 

"The retired experience is characterised mainly by rest since one is after all in retirement,” Archbishop Jaime told Vatican Radio at the time. He added, “Without the concerns of the office, I initially found life in retirement disconcerting. For 35 years I was the head of the diocese and then the archdiocese. I had responsibilities in the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique; was president of the conference for more than ten years; I had responsibilities at the Inter-Regional Meeting of the Bishops of Southern Africa –IMBISA, where I was president for nine years. While still in the IMBISA executive, I became second vice president of SECAM, the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagscar based in Ghana. All these responsibilities involved a lot of travel on my part. Many were my exists from the diocese and the country for meetings and engagements. Then later there was the peace process with which we were involved. At some stage, we did not even know where to hold [the peace process meetings], and we ended up going to Rome where the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed. Now I'm trying to rest,” the Archbishop Emeritus said at the time. 

Archbishop Jaime has died at a time when the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed by Frelimo and Renamo is under threat of collapse. In recent weeks and months, Renamo and Frelimo have been in a state of political tension, and there are fears of renewed fighting.

As fears of renewed fighting have grown, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees reported that some Mozambicans were fleeing into neighbouring Malawi. Reliefweb says over 11,500 Mozambican refugees have entered Malawi since mid-December 2015.  For their part, Renamo and Frelimo have been trading accusations. Earlier this year, Manuel Bissopo, Renamo’ secretary general was severely injured while his bodyguard was killed in a drive-by shooting in Beira. 

Renamo feels politically marginalised and dissatisfied with economic disparities between Frelimo and Renamo strongholds. In 2014, former Mozambican president, Armando Guebuza and Renamo leader, Alfonso Dhlakama signed a ceasefire agreement that allowed for the October 2014 elections. The elections, disputed by Renamo, were won by Frelimo’s candidate, Filipe Nyusi, who is now Mozambique’s current President. 

There is no appetite for war in Mozambique. The post-independence civil war (1977 -1992) was bitter and protracted. One million people died in the fighting, some from starvation while thousands were injured or maimed by land mines. Five million, mostly rural citizens, were displaced by the war.

There is also so much at stake in economic terms. Major gas reserves have been discovered off the coast of Mozambique and large multinational companies have been drilling in the area since 2010. 

The influential London-based think tank, Chatham House notes that reconciliation in Mozambique is not an option. High hopes are riding on Mozambique’s relatively new President, Felipe Nyusi. He is seen as more conciliatory than his predecessor, Guebuza. Reports Chatham House, “Under the Nyusi government, there is a new imperative to address processes of reconciliation and disarmament, and its efforts should be warmly supported by the international community.” Part of the reconciliation process should include enabling Renamo’s war veterans access to state pensions. At the moment, most of Renamo’s veterans feel most disadvantaged and discriminated against by the Frelimo government.

The 1992 Rome Agreement is a sign of what is possible when there is the political will to work for peace. 

Archbishop Jaime has left Mozambicans a legacy of peace. He distinguished himself as one of its tireless defenders and advocates. He is known to have chided both Frelimo and Renamo for not complying, in full, with the terms of the 1992 agreement.

Born in Nova Sofala on 26 November 1938, Archbishop Emeritus Jaime Pedro Gonçalves retired from the pastoral governance of the diocese in January 2012. Archbishop Claudio Dalla Zuanna, an Argentine-born Italian succeeded him. 

Archbishop Jaime will also be remembered as a prolific author who wrote extensively about peace and other subjects. 

When the then Marxist-leaning independence government of Samora Machel nationalised Church institutions, it was Archbishop Jaime who later went about recovering them from the state, on behalf of the Church. 

The Archbishop is also credited with moving the Mozambican Conference of Bishops towards the founding of ‘Universidade Católica de Moçambique’ (UCM), the Catholic University of Mozambique in Beira. He was its first Chancellor. Announcing the death of Archbishop Jaime, Universidade Católica de Moçambique spoke of profound sorrow on the passing away of, “Dom Jaime Pedro Gonçalves, Arcebispo Emérito da Beira e primeiro Magno Chanceler da UCM.” 

Fr. Paul SAMASUMO,                                 Vatican Radio/ English-Africa
Email: engafrica@vatiradio.va

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Sub-Sahara African Catholics in the Maghreb


Catholic Bishops of North Africa or the Maghreb region have been reflecting on the African dimension of their communities. The information is contained in a final communiqué at the end of the Bishops’ regional plenary meeting. The Bishops were meeting under the auspices of CERNA, which stands for the Conférence Episcopale de la Région Nord de l’Afrique. The meeting was held in Tangier, Morocco last week. 

"Our communities of those who originate from sub-Sahara Africa are becoming more numerous and in some cases they represent 50 to 90% of our [Catholic] communities," the Bishops say in the communiqué. They note that  North African states have always been, "traditionally countries of emigration but were now transit countries and slowly are becoming host countries [countries of destination]," The Bishops say.

The Bishops say, the Church in the Maghreb sees issues of migration as both a challenge and an opportunity.

"It is a joy to us that the Church is becoming more universal; less European; is more rejuvenated and that there is this South to South ecclesial exchange," the Bishops affirm. They attest that priests and the religious from countries of sub-Sahara Africa are now fully inserted into the Church of North Africa.

"With various pastoral workers coming together from different cultural backgrounds, what is needed by all is to learn, know and esteem each other's diversity," reads the final communiqué 

The Bishop also say the mission of the Church in North Africa is, “not only focused on the spiritual support of its congregations but also on the testimony of Christ's love for all, by coming into contact with our Muslim brothers and sisters…It is not easy because of the reality of prejudice and the fact of racism," note the Bishops. 

Nevertheless, the Bishops make reference to certain representations of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Vladimir found in many shrines of the region. According to the Bishops, the painting of Our Lady of Vladimir is often represented carrying in her arms the infant Jesus with one hand painted white and another, black. They  Bishops conclude that this Marian image symbolises the future of the Church in North Africa.

The meeting was presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese of Constantine and Hippo in Algeria, Paul Desfarges. 

To emphasise the growing links between the Church in North Africa and that of sub-Sahara Africa, the next meeting of CERNA will be held next year in Senegal. 


Source: Agenzia Fides

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AFRIQUE : Les supérieurs majeurs des Oblats d’Afrique-Madagascar se sont réunis en Namibie


Une vingtaine de supérieurs majeurs des Missionnaires oblats de Marie Immaculée, provinciaux, supérieurs de délégations et de missions, venus d’une vingtaine de pays, du Sénégal en Afrique du Sud et Madagascar, du Kenya en Angola, anglophones et francophones, se sont retrouvés depuis le mardi 5 avril en conférence de la Région oblate Afrique-Madagascar au Centre Maria Regina de Dobra, près de Windoek en Namibie. Le provincial de la RD Congo et de l’Angola, le père Abel Nsolo était présent, et le modérateur de la rencontre était le père Jean-Baptiste Malenge de la RD Congo.

Le vendredi 8 avril, le père Edouard Dagavounansou, supérieur provincial du Cameroun, a été élu président de la Région. Il comprend sa tâche comme celle d’accompagner ses confrères vers une vision commune de la mission oblate dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. L’Afrique a beaucoup de vocations. C’est dans la synergie qu’il convient de former les jeunes.

La rencontre de Dobra aura permis aussi aux Oblats d’Afrique de se préparer pour un apport certain au prochain Chapitre général de la congrégation qui se tiendra en septembre à Rome, en cette année du deux centième anniversaire d’existence de la Congrégation fondée en 1816 en France par saint Eugène de Mazenod.

P. Jean Baptiste MALENGE KALUNZU,OMI,                            Kinshasa, pour Radio Vatican

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RDC. Alarme da Igreja: “a ganância mata a população”


A ganância, a "fome de dinheiro" está matando a Arquidiocese de Bukavu, na República Democrática do Congo: denuncia numa nota, citada pela agência Fides, a Comissão Diocesana de Justiça e Paz, sublinhando que, na região, durante anos desestabilizada pela presença de vários grupos armados, verificam-se "fortes turbulências com consequências incalculáveis para a vida quotidiana e o ecossistema" da população.

Sacudir as consciências
Com a agravante de que esta situação parece ter-se praticamente enraizado nas mentes dos habitantes da região: "Abri os olhos e vereis cadáveres ambulantes numa ambiente decadente" afirma, de facto, Justiça e Paz numa tentativa de sacudir as consciências. O quadro descrito pela Comissão Diocesana é dramático: cônjuges que procuram subtrair uns dos outros os bens da família; estupros de meninas; jovens desempregados que se inscrevem em bandos criminais, fome que sufoca aldeias inteiras numa região rica em recursos alimentares.

Reconciliar-se com Deus e com o próximo
Para isso, Justiça e Paz denuncia também a falta de uma política nacional que incentive o trabalho, enquanto que "a arma e certas ideologias mataram os homens e sobretudo massacraram as nossas culturas tradicionais". "Pelo dinheiro se pode matar, mentir, trair, violentar e, infelizmente, parece que são mesmo os maus, que prosperam!", afirma  a nota diocesano. Contudo, ao mesmo tempo se faz um apelo à população a "levantar-se, para olhar na cara a realidade e organizar um rito de purificação, de expiação e reconciliação com Deus, com o próximo e com a criação”.

P. Bernardo SUATE,                         Redação Portuguesa da Rádio Vaticano

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Kenya: Children plant 1000 trees in Pope Francis forest


Archbishop Martin Kivuva of Mombasa in Kenya has led hundreds of Loreto convent school children and their teachers in planting over 1000 trees in Pope Francis forest.

Archbishop Martin Kivuva of Mombasa in Kenya has led hundreds of Loreto convent school children and their teachers in planting over 1000 trees at the convent’ school grounds now re-named “Pope Francis forest.”

“We are naming this forest, ‘Pope Francis forest’ in honour of the Pope who has a great desire to see that Gods creation is taken care of and has a  great affection for the environment,” the school head, Sr. Gertrude Mallya, IBVM, told Archbishop Kivuva.

The tree planting exercise was organised to coincide with Environment Day that was commemorated last week.

‘In the book of Genesis, God created human beings and told them to be caretakers of creation. Pope Francis always reminds us to care for the environment,” Archbishop Kivuva told the children and their teachers.

Samaritan’s Purse, a humanitarian aid organisation, donated the trees.

Bertina KANAKA,                           Charles Lwanga media in Mombasa

email: engafrica@vatiradio.va

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RD CONGO : 8èmes Journées catholiques de l’enseignement


L’évêque de Mbuji-Mayi, dans la province du Kasaï-Oriental, a présidé, dans la cathédrale Saint Jean-Baptiste, le samedi 2 avril, la messe de clôture des huitièmes Journées catholiques de l’enseignement. Dans l’homélie, Mgr Bernard-Emmanuel Kasanda a appelé à repenser les valeurs humaines. L’évêque s’est inspiré du discours du Pape François au Congrès mondial sur l’éducation.

Tenues du jeudi 31 mars au samedi 2 avril, les huitièmes Journées catholiques de l’enseignement ont porté sur le thème général : « L’enfant au centre de nos préoccupations. »

L’évêque de Mbuji-Mayi avait ouvert les célébrations par la plantation d’arbres pour les cinquante ans d’existence de la Coordination des écoles conventionnées catholiques. Citant la lettre Encyclique Laudato Si’ du Pape François, Mgr Kasanda a souligné le devoir de sauvegarder la terre, notre Maison commune.

Les directeurs des écoles, les enseignants et les élèves ont marché lors du défilé organisé sur la place de la cathédrale. Tous montraient leur fierté d’appartenir au réseau catholique de l’enseignement. Les autorités politiques du Kasai oriental ont été invitées. Le gouverneur de la province, Alphonse Ngoyi Kasanji a symboliquement remis le drapeau national au coordinateur diocésain de l’enseignement catholique. Le gouverneur de province a particulièrement exhorté les enseignants à être fiers de leur profession.

Parmi les nombreuses allocutions de la circonstance, le coordinateur diocésain des écoles conventionnées catholiques a rappelé les valeurs qui assurent une formation humaine de qualité. Ce sont notamment : la loyauté, le respect des règles et lois, l’honnêteté, la ponctualité, le respect du bien commun, la vérité et la justice, la propreté, la beauté, l’effort personnel et l’altruisme.

P. Jean Baptiste MALENGE KALUNZU,OMI,                                    Kinshasa, pour Radio Vatican

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REPÚBLICA CENTRO-AFRICANA. Presidente em visita ao Papa


O novo Presidente da República Centro-africana, Faustin Archange Touadéra, fará uma visita  de cortesia ao Papa Francisco no próximo dia 18 deste mês para lhe exprimir a sua gratidão e a do povo centro-africano pela visita pastoral que o Papa fez àquele país da África em Novembro de 2015 e que deu frutos positivos.

A notícia foi dada neste sábado 9 de Abril pela Nunciatura Apostólica em Bangui, afirmando que o Santo Padre acolheu o pedido do Presidente Touadéra para essa visita.  Esta será a primeira viagem internacional do novo Presidente da República Centro-africana, que foi eleito em Fevereiro passado.

Dulce ARAÚJO,                                Redação Portuguesa da Rádio Vaticano

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Liberian Bishops commend nations’ health workers


At the end of their plenary assembly, this week,  Liberian Bishops in West Africa have issued a pastoral statement in which they commend the nation’s health workers for their selfless service during the Ebola virus outbreak.

“We acknowledge their tremendous sacrifices during the fight against the recent Ebola virus epidemic in which some of them lost their lives. May their souls rest in peace. With the sporadic reoccurrence of the Ebola Virus Disease, we urge you to continue to show the same commitment in saving lives. We also appeal to our people to continue to observe all health protocols with regard to Ebola. We commend the efforts being made by all stakeholders in improving our health care facilities,” reads the pastoral messagein part.

On 14 January this year,  the World Health Organization declared the end of the most recent outbreak of the Ebola virus disease in Liberia and said all known chains of transmission had been stopped in West Africa. There has been no flare-up since. Liberia says it now has in place a robust Ebola surveillance and response system.

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Liberia (CABICOL) meeting in the capital Monrovia also denounced, in their pastoral statement, “any attempt by anyone or institution to promote same-sex marriage, abortion and contraceptives in Liberia.” They further committed themselves to the strengthening of pastoral and catechetical programmes in the dioceses with the view of deepening and strengthening the faith of Liberians. The pastoral statement is signed by the three Bishops of Liberia.


Below, the full Pastoral Statement:

Pastoral message of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Liberia (CABICOL) at the end of the first Plenary Assembly held from the 5th – 10th April 2016 at the National Catholic Secretariat Gaye Town, Old Road, Monrovia


 We, the Catholic Bishops of Liberia, having held our first Plenary Assembly from 5th – 10th April 2016, under the theme: ‘The Relevance of the Church in Liberia Today: Evangelization, Health, Education, Social Works, Justice & Peace and Mass Media’, do bring you greetings in the Risen Lord. Having prayerfully reflected on the theme, we joyfully communicate to you the following pastoral message:


We recognize that our fundamental mission as a Church is to proclaim the Good News as mandated by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ “in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4:2). We commend our priests, religious, catechists and all the laity who give their time and resources in the realization of this mission. We commend in a special way our seminary formators, novice masters and mistresses for their efforts in the formation of young men and women for the priesthood and religious life. We commit ourselves to the strengthening of our pastoral and catechetical programs and to helping our Laity deepen and strengthen their faith as we urge all to avail themselves of opportunities for spiritual growth. We thank sincerely our missionary institutions for collaborating with the Local Church in our pastoral works. We look forward to working with you always!


We commend our selfless health workers for their efforts in the provision of care to our ailing brothers and sisters. We acknowledge their tremendous sacrifices during the fight against the recent Ebola virus epidemic in which some of them lost their lives. May their souls rest in peace.

With the sporadic reoccurrence of the Ebola Virus Disease, we urge you to continue to show the same commitment in saving lives. We also appeal to our people to continue to observe all health protocols with regards to Ebola. We commend the efforts being made by all stakeholders in improving our health facilities and we ask that you continue with the same.

In line with your medical code of ethics and the values of the Gospel, we encourage you to continue to promote and preserve the culture of life from the womb to the tomb.

With the formation of the National Catholic Health Council (NCHC), we are certain of a more coordinated approach to health related matters, complementing the efforts of government in the service of the Liberian people especially in the most abandoned parts of the country. We encourage you to continue these invaluable services to our brothers and sisters without discrimination.


We are cognizant of the fact that our recent history has had an adverse effect on our education sector.

In agreement with the Second Vatican Council declaration on Christian education (Gravissimum Educationis, no. 1), we know that every person has an inalienable right to education. Thus we recommit ourselves to complement government’s responsibility to provide quality education in our country. However, we strongly recommend the equitable provision of subsidies to schools in the private sector.

We highly appreciate the endeavors of the men and women helping to mould the minds and spirits of our sons and daughters in our schools. We strongly call on them to be honest, dedicated, upright and dutiful in the discharge of their responsibilities. We especially appeal to our Religious Education teachers to dutifully and conscientiously prepare our children not only for exams but also and most importantly for life; inculcating in them basic life skills and the values of the Gospel.

Social Works

We affirm with gratitude the enormous work being carried out by CARITAS, the social arm of the Church. We laud the efforts of our partners, the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Catholic Action for Overseas Development (CAFOD), CARITAS Internationalis (CI) Caritas Germany, MISEREOR, and all those helping us to reach out to the most vulnerable and needy of our society. In view of the fact that charity is the supreme law of the Church (cf John 13:34; 1 Cor 13), we renew our resolve to reach out to the poor and disadvantaged throughout our country at all times.

Justice and Peace

The promotion of the fundamental and inalienable rights of all remains a primary concern of the Church. Over the years, our Justice and Peace Commission has been and continues to be in the vanguard of the defense and the promotion of human rights. Founded in November 1991, during one of the darkest moments of our history, the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) was one of the lone voices that spoke against the moral, social and economic degradation of our nation to the extent that its founding father, His Grace Archbishop Michael Kpakala Francis is referred to as “the conscience of the nation”.

We remain dedicated to this noble cause as enshrined in the Second Vatican Council Document, The Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes, no.1): “The joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the people of our time especially of those who are poor or afflicted, are the joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the followers of Christ”.

Mass Media

We recognize the indispensable role of the media in the spread of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We appreciate our brothers and sisters of the Fourth Estate working assiduously for the dissemination of information.

However, we call for a responsible use of the media. Freedom of expression does not negate responsibility. We denounce the irresponsible use of the media especially on some of our Radio Talk Shows, most of which are characterized not by issues of national concern but by attacks of personality. We also caution all, especially our youth, for the responsible use of the social media.

 In addition, we recognize that there are laws that tend to prohibit the exercise of free speech and freedom of expression. We must reform them rather than use these laws against our citizens.



We reaffirm the traditional teaching of the Church on the family. We believe that marriage is a sacred union between a man and woman as ordained by the Creator (cf Gen 1 &2; Mat 19,1-6). When in the society, marriage and family life are not guaranteed their proper development in peace, that society is condemned to socio-political, cultural and moral instability.

We denounce any attempt by anyone or any institution to promote same sex marriage, abortion and contraceptives. Thus we call upon all, especially our government to reject the acceptance of this incipient culture of death as a pre- requisite for developmental and financial aid.

However, we are very much aware of the difficulties and challenges faced by families today. In line with the Holy Father’s recent Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Family (Amoris Laetitia), we recall that Jesus “never failed to show compassion and closeness to the frailty of individual like the Samaritan woman or the woman caught in adultery” (AL 38). Thus, we appeal to pastors to “reach out to everyone, to help each person, find his or her proper way of participating in the ecclesial community and thus to experience being touched by an ‘unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous mercy” (AL 297)

Religious Freedom

During our discussion on the Church’s mission with people of other faiths, we were concerned about the tendency to undermine and threaten religious freedom, tolerance and peaceful co-existence among our people. Acknowledging our commonalities and differences, we reaffirm our commitment to promote religious freedom and peaceful co-existence as enshrined in our constitution. We therefore call on all Liberians to join us in our efforts to promote peace and the respect for the fundamental rights and dignity of every person. We renew our commitment to collaborate with all those united to the church by faith, men and women of good will and continue our engagement with people of other religions.


We recognize our duties as citizens and institutions to pay taxes in order to promote our national and developmental agenda. In doing this, we complement our government as dutiful citizens.

Unfortunately, in recent times the Church and ordinary citizens continue to experience undue hardships which undermine our capacity to assist our government in service to our people. Donated items to our institutions are taxed exorbitantly; procedures are cumbersome leading to unnecessary delays in clearing goods from the ports. Policies are inconsistent and cost unpredictable, thus leaving room for extortion. These conditions make it difficult, if not almost impossible, to perform our humanitarian duty to our people. We therefore call on our government to review its policies and procedures to ensure that our services to the Liberian people remain uninterrupted.

Political Parties

We are grateful to God for granting us peace as a nation. We have had two peaceful elections as we continue to reconcile and heal the wounds of the war. Multi-party democracy is gradually becoming entrenched with its attendant challenges. However, some equate multi-party democracy with the proliferation of parties. A culture of multi-party democracy will be enhanced not by the quantity but by the quality of political parties. We therefore caution our nation that the decision to establish political parties must be grounded in a clearly articulated vision and political will to improve the lives of our people. It must be founded on the desire to promote respect for the rule of law and respect for human rights. We must establish political parties on the basis of a sincere desire to serve rather than to be served (cf Mark 10,45), to sacrifice rather than have a sense of entitlement. The proliferation of parties is being dominated by personal, family and ethnic interests rather than by the collective national interest. This kind of tendency must be discouraged Conclusion As we continue to implore God’s forgiveness during this Extra-Ordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, we reiterate our thanks to all of you for your prayers and support. We entrust you and our nation Liberia to the maternal care of Mary our Mother. May she, Queen of Peace and Queen of Liberia continue to intercede and pray for us.


Archbishop Lewis Zeigler Metropolitan Archbishop of Monrovia/ President of CABICOL

Most Rev. Andrew Karnley Bishop of Cape Palmas

Most Rev. Anthony Borwah Bishop of Gbarnga

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QUÉNIA. Apelo dos Bispos contra a corrupção e divisões étnicas


Uma forte denúncia da corrupção e das alianças políticas com base em etnias foi lançada pela Conferência Episcopal do Quénia (KCCB) num longo comunicado divulgado ao fim da plenária em Nairobi em que os bispos exortam o governo a enfrentar e erradicar tais vícios "para salvar a nação". "Um rápido olhar pela situação actual do nosso país – lê-se no documento - revela algumas tendências e práticas perigosas que deveriam preocupar e surpreender todos aqueles que têm o Quénia no coração, pelo facto de que os ideais e princípios pelos quais os nossos antepassados combateram e deram a vida  sendo espezinhados”.

Corrupção, cancro que devora o País
Os bispos descrevem, em seguida, a corrupção como "um cancro que está a matar o País", e recordam as trágicas consequências que dela derivam: pobreza, falta de assistência médica e de infra-estruturas escolares capazes de proporcionar uma educação de qualidade, desemprego juvenil, difusão do suborno. Recordando, depois, a visita do Papa Francisco no País, em novembro de 2015, os bispos reiteram o apelo do Papa para "declarar guerra contra a corrupção, lutando até ao fim contra ela”.

Preocupantes as divisões étnicas
A Conferência Episcopal do Quénia também apontou o dedo contra a corrupção dos juízes, declarando-se "espantada" perante o facto de que "as mesmas instituições que têm as principais responsabilidades do País estão a apodrecer por causa da corrupção". Quanto às tendências de radicalização étnica, os bispos as consideram "preocupantes", especialmente quando se encontram dentro de alianças políticas que "não são baseadas na união de indivíduos que partilham o mesmo ideal, mas na agregação de tribos, de modo que possam votar como um bloco único”.

Grave o fenómeno do tribalismo
E não só: quando alguém é punido por uma acção errada, os conflitos étnicos se intensificam ainda mais, como se as culpas do indivíduo derivassem da sua tribo de origem. Grave também tribalismo que é praticado "sem vergonha" nos municípios, escrevem os prelados, provocando favoritismos no âmbito do trabalho: "Para ser empregado no Município – afirma, de facto, a Igreja do Quénia – se deve vir de uma das tribos ou clãs dominantes”.

O País não perca a esperança
Tendo em vista as eleições gerais agendadas no País para 2017, os bispos exortam a Comissão Eleitoral Independente a "monitorar o processo de votação, porque, se ele for atingido pela corrupção e incompetência, porá em perigo a democracia e o desenvolvimento do País" . Finalmente, a KCCB dirige-se directamente aos quenianos exortando-os "a não perder a esperança" e a lutar, individual e colectivamente, contra "qualquer forma de corrupção que destrói o tecido social do País”.

P. Bernardo SUATE,                                     Redação Portuguesa da Rádio Vaticano

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Year of Mercy: Harare parish visits prison inmates


On Sunday, Feast of Divine Mercy, parishioners of Our Lady of the Wayside, Mount Pleasant in Harare, visited and celebrated Mass with inmates at Harare Central Prison as part of their Year of Mercy programme of activities.

Before the liturgical celebration, the prison’s 22 Catholic members choir praised the Lord with inspiring sacred hymns that they sang for the parishioners and other inmates. Among some of the songs were ‘Mwari ngoni’ and ‘Mwari huyai.’

In his homily, Fr. Shepherd Muhamba, SJ, expressed his joy in seeing the faith of the inmates in spite of their situation and circumstances. He encouraged them to continue praying and seeking the face of the Merciful Father.

“We should not only seek God when we are in trouble. We must reach out to him always even in good times. So, I expect you to continue preaching the goodness of the Lord now and when you leave this place,” Fr. Muhamba said.

He encouraged the inmates to keep on preaching to each other not only by word of mouth but also by living the faith in doing good works.

Superintendent Brighton Matombo of the Zimbabwe Prison Services expressed his gratitude to the parish for the visit and thanked parishioners for the essential commodities that they donated for the inmates.

Superintendent Matombo said the inmates need to feel loved. He prayed that society would emulate the example demonstrated by parishioners of Our Lady of the Wayside in making prisoners feel loved.

Mr. Tashinga Tsvetu, a Year of Mercy-Liturgy committee member at the parish, encouraged other Church members to visit prisoners as a way of caring and said the congregation was now looking forward to visiting the female prison units.

Some members of St John’s Emerald Hill and Christon Bank centres joined Our Lady of the Wayside parishioners for the visit.

Pylaia CHEMBE,                              Jesuit Communications Zimbabwe –Mozambique

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Enseigner l’unité par l’exemple: les prêtres diocésains du Burkina/ Niger en Assemblée Générale


Toujours en quête d’une unité plus forte qui impacte et donne force à son message évangélisateur, la fraternité des prêtres diocésains de la conférence épiscopale Burkina/Niger, a ouvert sa 29è assemblée générale dans l’archidiocèse de Koupéla à 140 km à l’est de Ouagadougou. Du 11 au 14 avril 2016, près de 300 prêtres prendront part aux travaux d’une assemblée générale dont l’objectif principale n’est autre que le renforcement de la communion des prêtres de l’Eglise Famille de Dieu au Burkina/Niger, dans leur être et leur agir.

Partie prenante d’une fraternité sacerdotale ouest africaine, cette assemblée qui regroupe les prêtres diocésains du Burkina et du Niger, depuis l’aube des premières ordinations sacerdotales au Burkina Faso en mai 1942, a toujours mis au cœur de ses préoccupations  le renforcement de cette fraternité qui les unit. Considérant celle-ci comme un des gages d’un agir pastoral qui rassure les fidèles chrétiens, la fraternité sacerdotale Burkina/Niger du haut de ses 1007 membres, veut répondre à l’impératif de « promouvoir et de renforcer une réflexion commune sur la vie et le ministère du prêtre diocésain, dans la sous-région ouest-africaine, et s’encourager à relever les défis de notre temps ». Cette 29è Assemblée est donc, selon le délégué général monsieur l’abbé Jonas Anselme Zoungrana, « un cadre de réflexion, un miroir reflétant l’attente des pères évêques qui veulent un presbyterium uni et soucieux de sa formation permanente » en vue de relever les défis qui se multiplient en ce siècle. Le thème général des assises de Koupéla, « le ministère d’écoute, de délivrance, de guérison et d’exorcisme au service de l’Evangélisation » s’explique bien par ce besoin d’aggiornamento de la part de ceux qui veulent être au diapason des besoins de leurs troupeaux. Pour se donner donc toutes les chances de repartir  à nouveau munis de ce qu’il leur faut pour accompagner les brebis qui leur sont confiées, les prêtres se sont attaché les services de personnes ressources expertes dans les domaines qui touchent au thème des assises. Les conférences animées en tandem par messieurs les abbés Bernard Désiré Yanogo et Baudouin Kpoda auront atteint l’objectif recherché, tant par la pléthore des contributions apportées que par la qualité des questions suscitées.

Pour la cause de l’évangile, unir les forces

La fraternité sacerdotale Burkina/Niger a la vive conscience de la nécessité de sa communion pastorale. Il ne saurait en être autrement disons-le,  pour une Eglise qui se veut famille de Dieu au Burkina et au Niger. Les prêtres qui sortent des maisons de formation, « doivent apporter une contribution sacerdotale à la réflexion de l’épiscopat sur les problèmes communs que pose la pastorale, spécialement dans le ministère ». Et la traduction en actes et en vérité de cette communion fraternelle qui unit amicalement les prêtres et les évêques, est une des expressions visibles de leur consécration et de leur mission commune. Les prêtres que l’ordination rend collaborateurs immédiats des évêques, portent avec ceux-ci le souci  « d’attirer l’attention des fidèles face aux sirènes du « bonheur » et du « bien-être ». C’est pourquoi, les réflexions de l’Assemblée de Koupéla ambitionnent de donner la clé aux participants pour « identifier les différents groupes « nuisibles » ainsi que toutes les subtilités de leurs modes opératoires au travers de certaines sciences d’apparence inoffensives mais puissamment et suffisamment destructrices. L’actualité mais également la délicatesse de la question, méritent pour ainsi dire, cette halte de Koupéla qui veut ré-souffler aux oreilles des participants, des vérités pour lesquelles ils ont donné leur accord total avant d’être incorporés au Christ Prêtre par l’ordination. C’est bien ce que Mgr Der Raphael Dabiré, évêque président de la commission du clergé au Burkina/ Niger leur a rappelé : « Le sacerdoce est un sacrement organisé, et les prêtres doivent fraterniser s’ils ne veulent pas se perdre ». Selon lui, la fraternité est pour le prêtre ce que l’eau est pour le poisson. Lorsque les prêtres prennent à cœur ce devoir de la fraternité, lorsque prier ensemble est pour eux essentiel, lorsqu’ils vivent les sacrements de la réconciliation en pénitents exemplaires de la gratuité de la miséricorde du Père, alors les liens humains sont mieux perçus et plus affirmés. Les participants à cette assemblée de Koupéla comprendront alors qu’ils sont, comme prêtres, interpelés en permanence pour annoncer et transmettre Jésus Christ sans fanfaronnade mais avec la joie de pasteurs convaincus et que c’est ensemble qu’ils doivent, selon les mots de Mgr Der Raphael Dabiré, « vivre en médiateurs présents au milieu de leur troupeau pour efficacement "traquer les théories ésotériques et débusquer les structures de pêchés" ».

Abbé Joseph KINDA


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ANGOLA. Lançada obra sobre o exílio de Padres angolanos para Portugal


A Universidade Católica de Angola e a Casa Editora Mayamba lançaram no passado dia 6, em Luanda, o livro “Esperar pela Hora de Deus”, em que o autor Carlos Alberto Alves retrata o exílio forçado de sacerdotes angolanos para Portugal entre 1960 a 1974. A apresentação do livro esteve  a cargo do Dr. Domingos das Neves..

Carlos Alves que actualmente vive em Portugal, encontra-se em São Vicente colaborando com a Universidade de Cabo Verde como professor. Ele explicou à Rádio Nova como surgiu a ideia de escrever o livro “Esperar pela hora de Deus”

Ainda segundo o autor, quando começou a elaboração do seu mestrado a ideia era perceber o papel das Igrejas Católica e Protestante no processo da independência de Angola.

Carlos Alves salienta que a pesquisa do livro demorou cerca de 2 anos. Com a conclusão da obra, outro problema era encontrar um editor em Portugal. Todavia o livro foi editado em Angola pela Editora Mayamba em comemoração dos 40 anos da independência daquele país. Esperar pela Hora de Deus tem dois objectivos.

Com o livro “Esperar pela Hora de Deus”, o autor Carlos Alberto Alves dá um relevante contributo ao conhecimento das relações entre o Estado Novo e a Igreja Católica e as dinâmicas religiosas e políticas no clero católico lê-se numa nota.


Carlos Alberto Alves Nasceu no Huambo, em 1968, tendo-se licenciado em Filosofia, em 1996, pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Lisboa. Em 2001, concluiu o mestrado em História de África, na Universidade de Lisboa, com a tese sobre as missões religiosas e o nacionalismo em Angola. Em 2014, doutorou-se em Identidades Práticas e Representações no Mundo Contemporâneo – História Política e Relações Internacionais –, na Universidade de Coimbra, com a tese dedicada ao estudo da política externa angolana. Foi colaborador da edição portuguesa da Revista Cidade Nova (1996-2007). Actualmente, é professor na ilha de S. Vicente, em Cabo Verde, África Ocidental, e colaborador do Núcleo de Leiria do Centro de Estudos de Sociologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CESNOVA). É autor de estudos e livros entre os quais, Aloés – Os Melhores Remédios de África (Publicações Prevenção de Saúde, Cascais, 2007); Pelo Mundo Africano (Papiro Editora, Porto, 2006).

Dulce ARAÚJO,                                 com Rádio Nova de Cabo Verde, para a Rádio Vaticano 

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MOÇAMBIQUE. Sindicato de Jornalistas celebra 38 anos


O Sindicato Nacional de Jornalistas (SNJ) assinalou esta segunda-feira, 11 de Abril, os 38 anos da sua criação. Para assinalar a data, o SNJ e o MISA- Moçambique co-organizaram uma palestra, tendo como pano de fundo a observância da ética e deontologia profissionais do Jornalista, que ultimamente, segundo o sej Secretário-geral, têm sido atropelados.

Ainda de acordo com Eduardo Constantino, os editores dos órgãos de informação têm responsabilidade na publicação de artigos noticiosos sem fundamento e sem respeitar os princípios jornalísticos e sem ouvir o contraditório.

Entretanto, em comunicado de Imprensa emitido pela Presidência da República, o Chefe do Estado, Filipe Nyusi, felicitou aos profissionais da comunicação social pela passagem do seu dia, 11 de Abril, Dia do Jornalista moçambicano.

Hermínio José,                                   Maputo, para a Rádio vaticano

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Pain hebdomadaire du catholique. Quatrième Dimanche de Pâques, Année C. Dimanche 17 avril 2016. Par Théodore C. LOKO*


I. Traits définitoires du laïcat :

Les laïcs constituent l’ensemble des chrétiens qui ne sont pas membres de l’ordre sacré et de l’ordre religieux (Lumen Gentium n° 31) et qui, de par leur baptême, sont incorporés au Christ et intégrés au peuple de Dieu, d’où leur participation, à leur manière, à la fonction sacerdotale, prophétique et royale du Christ.

II. Textes du jour : Actes des Apôtres 13,14.43-52 ; Psaume : ‪ 99 ; Apocalypse 7,9.14b-17 ; Jean 10,27-30

III. Commentaire :

Les textes qui nous sont proposés ce dimanche nous invitent à nous tourner vers « Jésus Berger de toute humanité ». Plus précisément, les paroles que nous avons écoutées sont une réponse à des questions pleines d’incrédulité des juifs.

On entend souvent dire que les gens d’aujourd’hui manquent de repères. Beaucoup sont désorientés par tous les changements dans notre société, dans notre monde et même dans l’Église. Alors on s’interroge : où est la vérité ? A qui pouvons-nous donner notre confiance ?

Si notre monde a perdu ses repères, c’est précisément parce qu’il ne connaît pas le Christ. En tant que berger, le Christ n’utilise pas de bâton, ni de chien de garde ni aucune autre contrainte. C’est sa voix qu’il fait entendre dans l’intimité de notre cœur. C’est son regard plein d’amour qui touche chacun de nous au plus profond de lui-même. Si nous décidons de le suivre, c’est pour répondre à un amour qui fait sans cesse le premier pas vers nous.

La première lecture nous montre une communauté qui risquait de se renfermer sur elle-même. Avec Paul et Barnabé, l’Évangile sera annoncé aux païens. Nous sommes au début des missions de Paul, à Antioche de Pisidie, au centre de l’actuelle Turquie. Accompagné de Barnabé, Paul s’est rendu à la synagogue le jour du sabbat. Il a témoigné de la résurrection de Jésus, accomplissement des « promesses faites à nos pères » et gage de notre propre résurrection. Cette parole a été bien reçue comme le montrent les nombreuses conversions. Mais tout va basculer le second sabbat quand les juifs, qui pensaient que le salut leur était réservé, vont voir affluer « presque toute la ville » et donc aussi des païens en grand nombre.  Les juifs s’opposent alors violemment à Paul et Barnabé. C’est dans ce contexte hostile que Paul annonce la décision de se tourner vers les païens. Et pour montrer que c’est le dessein de Dieu, il s’identifie au Serviteur à qui le Seigneur dit : « J’ai fait de toi la lumière des nations pour que, grâce à toi, le salut parvienne jusqu’aux extrémités de la terre. » (Is 49, 6). La conclusion est frappante : à la suite de l’épreuve subie par Paul et Barnabé, la parole de Dieu se répand, suscitant la joie des disciples.

Cette scène et le renversement qu’on y observe chez les auditeurs rappellent la première prédication de Jésus à la synagogue de Nazareth (Lc 4,14-30). Elle nous montre que Paul, et nous tous aujourd’hui, sommes appelés à poursuivre l’œuvre du Christ. Il est notre berger. Si des contradictions surviennent, nous avons l’assurance que Dieu essuiera toutes nos larmes. Ainsi, la seconde lecture extraite du livre de l’Apocalypse nous montre précisément la victoire obtenue par les martyrs. Son but est de nous rappeler que même dans les pires catastrophes, le mal n’aura jamais le dernier mot. Jésus nous est présenté comme l’Agneau de Dieu qui enlève le péché du monde. Et ce qui est merveilleux c’est qu’il veut nous associer tous à sa victoire. Saint Jean nous parle d’une foule de toutes races et de toutes nations. Après les persécutions, les souffrances, la faim et les pleurs, ils connaissent la joie d’être avec Dieu.

Par ailleurs, comme le précise l’Evangile, personne ne nous arrachera de sa main. Ce passage, qui se situe dans une controverse avec les Juifs lors de la fête de la dédicace du Temple, revient sur le discours du bon pasteur. Le thème du pasteur court à travers toute la tradition d’Israël, de Jacob aux prophètes en passant par Moïse et l’Exode, David et les psaumes. L’enseignement et la manière d’être de Jésus recueillent cette riche tradition. Il est le bon pasteur qui garde ses brebis. Il connait ses brebis et ses brebis le connaissent. Il les conduit et les fait paître. Il est prêt à donner sa vie pour elles.

* Ambassadeur du Bénin près le Saint Siège

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La revue de la presse catholique africaine du Mercredi 13 avril 2016. Par Albert MIANZOUKOUTA*


En raison de leurs périodicités, beaucoup de journaux d’Afrique n’ont pas encore rendu compte de l’Exhortation apostolique du Pape François sur le mariage et la famille : Amoris Laetitia, publiée vendredi 8 avril au Vatican.

Il s’agit, écrit Serge Xavier Oga dans DIOCESE DE MARADI de « 9 chapitres consacrés à la joie de l’Amour ». Le portail du diocèse nigérien précise que « ce document est la synthèse de ce que le Pape a tiré des réflexions des pères synodaux… De par la formule et la pédagogie utilisées, le pape a proposé des pistes pour éclairer et soutenir les familles dans notre monde en pleines mutations. Sa sainteté invite les fidèles catholiques à éclairer leur route à la lampe de la miséricorde ».

Au Congo, LA SEMAINE AFRICAINE, bihebdomadaire de l’Eglise paraissant à Brazzaville, souligne que dans cette exhortation, le Pape invite à « sortir de l’opposition stérile entre l’angoisse du changement et l’application pure et simple de normes abstraites: ‘ Les débats qui se déroulent dans les moyens de communication ou bien dans les publications et même entre les ministres de l’Église, vont d’un désir effréné de tout changer sans une réflexion suffisante ou sans fondement, à la prétention de tout résoudre en appliquant des normes générales ou bien en tirant des conclusions excessives de certaines réflexions théologiques’, indique-t-il avec lucidité ».

Au Sénégal, SENEGLISE, le portail de l’Archidiocèse de Dakar indique que « les Caritas du Sahel, du Nord de l’Afrique et d’Europe s’associeront pour mener, du 19 au 21 Avril 2016, à Dakar, des réflexions et des échanges autour du thème : « Crise migratoire et droits humains. Quels rôles, quelle action pour les Caritas du sahel, d’Afrique du Nord et d’Europe ? ». Le portail précise que cette rencontre est une initiative de Caritas Sénégal et du Secours catholique/Caritas France, et qu’elle rassemblera des délégués venus du Burkina Faso, du Mali, du Niger, du Sénégal, d’Algérie, du Maroc, de Tunisie, d’Allemagne, d’Espagne, de France, d’Italie et de Belgique. Nous y reviendrons probablement.

Une réflexion attire l’attention dans la dernière livraison d’EGLISE D’ALGERIE : « La mosquée est-elle en train de faire sa mue ? ». Le texte part d’un article d’un journal local qui affirme que, « longtemps passéiste, si elle n’était franchement hostile à la société », la mosquée change. « Depuis un certain temps, nos lieux de culte bougent positivement. Ils se rapprochent de plus en plus du citoyen et de ses préoccupations. La présence d’un imposteur comme Ali Benhadj n’est plus acceptée, ce qui laisse supposer que l’islamisme est en train de perdre du terrain. Il faut dire que beaucoup de choses ont changé depuis la nomination de Mohamed Aïssa à la tête du ministère des Affaires religieuses », raconte le journal (El Watan, progouvernemental) que cite le portail de l’Eglise.

A Madagascar, on commente une antivaleur en progrès : la valeuricide. « Non », écrit le quotidien de la Grande Ile LA CROIX DE MADAGASCAR, « il n’y a pas de faute de frappe. Vous lisez bien “valeuricide” et non valeureuse. Avec la francophonie dans l’air, on se permet ce nouveau vocabulaire… Le secrétaire général de la Présidence a fait la lecture du décret présidentiel annonçant la démission du Premier ministre et l’acceptation de cette démission par le Président de la République. Et dans la foulée (une ou deux heures après cette déclaration officielle) le Premier ministre concerné fait une déclaration devant la presse qu’il n’a pas encore donné sa démission. Devant cette double déclaration, on ne peut que dire que l’un des deux responsables ment à la Nation. Cette situation détruit l’image, l’honneur qui reste, de nos dirigeants. Le citoyen lambda conclue qu’on peut mentir pour défendre ses intérêts personnels ». Exemple concret de valeuricide !

* Journaliste à Radio Vatican/Français-Afrique

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