2006-10-16 15:24:35

“ Saints gain heaven by trusting in God’s word” says Pope Benedict XVI .

(Mon.16 Oct, 2006): -“Saints gain heaven by trusting in the word of God,” said Pope Benedict XVI on proclaiming the sainthood of a bishop, a priest and two women religious, during a canonisation Mass on Sunday in St. Peter’s Square. Their names will be remembered forever," he added. The new saints are : - St. Rafael Guízar Valencia, a bishop of Veracruz, Mexico; St. Teodora Guérin of France, Foundress of the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods; St. Filippo Smaldone of Italy,a diocesan priest and founder of the Congregation of the Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Heart. He is known as the apostle of the deaf and dumb, and St. Rosa Venerini of Italy, who founded the Congregation of Religious Teachers Venerini and the first public school for girls in Italy.
In his homily of the canonisation Mass, Pope Benedict said, “The four new saints left a lesson. If man puts his trust in the riches of this world, he does not attain the full meaning of life or authentic joy. On the contrary, if, trusting in the word of God, he denies himself and his properties for the kingdom of Heaven, he seems to lose much, but in reality gains everything.” The Pope also said "The saint is precisely that man or woman who, responding with joy and generosity to Christ's call, leaves everything to follow him. Earthly riches occupy and preoccupy the mind and heart. Jesus does not say that they are evil, but that they separate us from God if they are not 'invested' so to speak, in the kingdom of heaven;if they are not spent for those who are in poverty,” the Pope added.
In his Angelus message at the end of the canonisation Mass, Pope Benedict greeted in several languages, over 50 thousand pilgrims who attended the ceremony. In his English address, especially to those who came for the canonisation of Mother Theodore Guerin, the Pontiff said, “The Church rejoices in the four new saints raised to the alters today. May their example inspire us and their prayers obtain for us guidance and courage. Then wishing all a pleasant Sunday, the Pope imparted his apostolic blessing .

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