2007-11-28 15:07:27

Pope’s message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees

(Nov. 28, 2007) Pope Benedict XVI in a document published Wed. for the World Day of Migrants & Refugees, calls on young migrants to prepare themselves to build together with the other young people a just and fraternal society by fulfilling their duties scrupulously and seriously towards their families and the State. He urges them to be respectful of the laws of the country they emigrate to, and never let themselves be carried away by hatred and violence. The Pope also encourages them to be protagonists of a world, where understanding, solidarity, justice and peace will reign.
The theme for the 2008 World Day of Migrants and Refugees to be celebrated January 13th focuses on young people. The Papal document notes that the phenomenon of emigration is becoming ever more widespread and includes a growing number of people from every social condition. Therefore, the Catholic Church, public institutions and humanitarian organisations are dedicating many of their resources to helping refugees, especially young people in difficulty. Pope Benedict observes the many problems young people face, especially the so-called difficulty of “dual belonging”, when they feel a strong need not to lose their culture of origin, and on the other hand the understandable desire to be inserted into the society that receives them .
Among the young people, the Pope notes the presence of numerous girls, who sometimes, fall prey to exploitation and even abuses and end up on the streets victims of unscrupulous exploiters, who transform them into objects of physical, moral and sexual violence. The Pope’s document notes that while much is being done for them, even greater commitment is needed to help them by creating suitable hospitality and formative structures. But the papal document also appeals to the migrants, who have received a Christian formation in their countries of origin, to make this heritage of faith and evangelical values bear fruit in the countries to which they emigrate.
The Papal document concludes saying : “The Pope needs you and is counting on your contribution. Coming from different cultures, you can play a very providential role in the context of evangelization. You can show that the Gospel is alive and suited to every situation with its old but ever new message of hope and salvation for the people of all races and cultures, of all ages and eras.

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