2008-04-07 15:01:39

Pope urges Antilles bishops to fight negative trends with hope

(April 07, 2008) The Catholic Church of the Antilles needs a more concerted pastoral renewal in order to fight the negative effects of the entertainment industry, exploitative tourism and the scourge of the arms and drugs trade that undermine not just the family but also traditional cultural values and local politics. However, this task is not just the priority of bishops alone but also of priests, religious and the lay people, Pope Benedict XVI told the bishops of the Antilles Episcopal Conference. The bishops of the English, French and Dutch territories of the Caribbean, with the exception of Haïti, who constitute the Antilles bishops’ Conference met the Pope on Monday, on their ‘ad limina’ visit to Rome, that heads of dioceses are required to make every five years to report on the state of their jurisdiction. Against the disturbing background in their region, the Pope encouraged the bishops of the Antilles “to stand tall as heralds of hope and be courageous witnesses to the light of Christ, which gives families direction and purpose...” “Pastoral renewal is an indispensable task for each of your Dioceses,” the Holy Father said, particularly exhorting them “to do everything possible to support marriage and family life, the primary source of cohesion within communities, and therefore of paramount importance in the eyes of civil authorities.” In this regard, the Pope said, the large network of Catholic schools in the Antilles can make a substantial difference. He expressed confidence in young Catholic adults who feel responsible to contribute to the economic and social development in the region, as it is an essential dimension of their Christian witness. The Church of the Antilles comprises five Provinces and includes twenty-one ecclesiastical units in all.

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