2009-07-30 16:16:18

Hindus oppose ‘Peace Day’ proposals in Orissa

(July 30,2009):- In eastern India’s Orissa State, the Bharatiya Janatha Party (BJP) leaders are now moving against the proposals made by Christian leaders in the State to observe August 23rd as Peace Day. It was the anniversary of the killing of Swami Laxmanananda and four of his aids by Maoists, which triggered off the anti Christian violence in Orissa state. The BJP leaders oppose the move saying that ‘it will only foment communal tension once again in the state.
Swami Agnivesh, a noted social activist and the president of the World Council of Arya Samaj said that he is against the idea of ‘Peace Day’ on August 23rd, as we already have a United Nations declared world peace day on September 21. According to the Swami, what we could do now is mete out justice and make sure that the proper compensation and support is given for the Christian victims of violence. He pointed out that the work of assistance to the refugees is still incomplete, compensation is inadequate and in many cases not even distributed.
Swami Agnivesh said – “ Our goal must be the rehabilitation of the widows of Kandhamal; ensure that the orphans receive proper education and work to build a society of peace and harmony.To transform all humanity, we must respond to the needs of the poorest of the poor, the voiceless, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta always said. ” Swami Agnivesh added..

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