2009-10-27 14:44:21

Pope Benedict’s wishes Armenian church head on 10th anniversary of election

(October 27, 2009) Pope Benedict XVI has sent good wishes to Catholicos Karekin II, the head of the Armenian Apostolic Church on the 10th anniversary of his election. In a message on Tuesday, Pope Benedict commended Karekin II for his personal commitment to dialogue, cooperation and friendship between the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Catholic Church, which, he said was clearly expressed by the various meetings that have taken place recently between him and the Pope of Rome. “I pray that the good relations that have been established between us may continue to grow in the years ahead,” Pope Benedict wrote in the message. The relation of Catholicos Karekin II with Rome has been generally positive. Pope John Paul II stayed with the Catholicos when he visited Armenia in 2001. In his message, Pope Benedict noted that in the short time since regaining freedom from Soviet rule at the end of last century, the Armenian Apostolic Church under Karekin II has made remarkable achievements. He noted that new initiatives have flourished for the Christian education of the young, for the training of clergy, the creation of new parishes, the building of new churches and community centres, as well as the promotion of Christian values in the social and cultural life of the nation. One of the oriental Orthodox churches, the Armenian Apostolic Church, which is not in communion with the Pope of Rome, is one of the world's most ancient Christian communities, tracing back its origins to the Apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus in the 1st century. Today, the Armenian Church diaspora is present in over 20 countries of the world.

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