2010-02-08 14:33:31

Pope condemns child abuse in Church, advocates natural family for children’s welfare

(February 08, 2010) Pope Benedict XVI on Monday condemned the abuse of children by some members of the Catholic Church and called for support for the family based on the marriage between man and woman. The Holy Father’s remarks came in an address to the participants in the plenary assembly of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family who discussed “The Rights of the Child”. Last year the United Nations marked the 20th anniversary of the 1989 signing of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. “Following the example of Christ,” the Pope said, “the Church down the centuries has promoted the protection of the dignity and rights of children and, in many ways, she took care of them.” “Unfortunately, in several cases,” he said, “some of its members, acting against this commitment, have violated those rights: a behaviour that the Church does not and will never fail to deplore and condemn.” The harsh words of Jesus against those who scandalize one of these little ones, the Pope said, should commit all not to lower the level of their respect and love for them. The Pope noted that Convention on the Rights of the Child has been welcomed by the Holy See, as it contains positive statements regarding the adoption, health care, education, protection of the disabled and the protection of children against violence, abandonment and exploitation of children sexually as well as in labour. Pope Benedict also stressed on the need for a family founded on the marriage between a man and a woman, for the welfare of children. He said children want to be loved by a mother and a father and they need to grow and live with both parents to build their personality and identity. Hence it is important that everything possible is done to allow them to grow in a united and stable family. To this end, the Pope said, married couples should be encouraged never to lose sight of the underlying reasons and the sacramental nature of their marriage promises and to strengthen it by hearing the Word of God, prayer, dialogue, mutual acceptance and pardon. An unhappy family environment, separation between parents and especially divorce are not without consequences on children, the Pope said. Instead, support for the family and the promotion of its true welfare, its rights, it unity and stability is the best way to protect the rights and authentic needs of children, the Pope added.

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