2010-05-26 14:45:21

Indian Jesuit center helps to spread green message

(May 26,2010) A Jesuit social center in West Bengal, eastern India, is helping to spread the green message for the protection of the environment. The center, Udayani or “Awakening” Social Action Forum, organized a workshop recently for leaders of self-help groups from Kolkata and Baruipur to discuss environmental issues. Among them were many teachers and village animators. Participants ended the workshop taking an oath holding lighted candles, saying they will not “hurt the earth” and always work to “care for her.” Women animators said they would avoid artificially flavoured drinks and food and would also work to ensure that streetlights are switched off early and complain against old vehicles that emit too much smoke.
Jesuit Father Irudaya Jothi, who directs the center, said the 35th General Congregation of his Society of Jesus mandated members to work for environmental protection. We wished to start the process from the grassroots level,” he said. The center hopes to organize more such training programs in villages, he added.

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