2010-07-31 14:36:47

Film on Mother Teresa Released

(July 31, 2010) The Living Legend Mother Teresa, a documentary film on Mother Teresa produced by Sunil Jindal was released at the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India Centre, New Delhi, 30 July, by Archbishop Vincent M Concessao. He lauded the Kolkata-based film producer Mr Jindal for the powerful film which was produced as a tribute to her to mark the first birth centenary of Mother Teresa. The programme was organised by the CBCI Commission for Social Communications. Executive Secretary of the Commission for Social Communication, Fr. George Plathottam described Jindal’s film “a rare glimpse into the life and works of Mother Teresa. The 28-minute black and white film presents some of the original footages on the pioneering years of Mother Teresa’s work for the poorest of the poor in Kolkata.” Releasing the film Archbishop Concessao said the message of Mother Teresa is for everybody, and all must work to remove poverty, hunger and hatred. This film communicates the powerful message of Mother to all. Mr. Jindal said the film is an invitation to all to follow her example of self giving and dedication. Her life is her message and we all must give up materialism and work for the uplift of the poor and the down-trodden. Speaking on the title of the movie, Mr Jindal said, I decided to name the film “Living Legend” to remind us that we have not forgotten her, and that she is still very much with us. Living Legend Mother Teresa is among the 18 films that will be screened across the major cities in India during the birth centenary year. The film festival is being organised by the Catholic Communications organisation Signis-India in collaboration with various governments and well wishers of Mother Teresa.

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