2010-10-05 15:41:43

Catholic Press is more necessary than ever

(Oct.05,2010) The President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications said that the future of the Catholic Press will depend on the capacity of Catholic journalism to be faithful to its mission. Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli added that the communications crises and scandals that the Church has gone through in recent years, emphasize even more the need to have means of communication with a Catholic vocation. The archbishop made these assertions when he opened a global conference of the Catholic press in Rome on Monday.
Some 230 directors or representatives of Catholic newspapers and digital publications, bishops and priests, experts of ecclesial commissions and institutions responsible for communication, as well as university professors are taking part in the meeting, which will close on Thursday.
In his opening address Archbishop Celli presented the Catholic press as a reality that is close to people, capable of accompanying one's life, of perceiving the concerns, desires and plans of the people, who are its readers, and also of those, who do not belong to the Catholic community.
The president of the Vatican Council said that the mission of the Catholic press is more necessary than ever, to give rigorous and correct religious information, above all when that offered by a good part of the secular press is not very objective today and at times creates confusion

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