2010-10-18 16:14:56

Pope receives Polish president

(October 18, 2010) The president of Poland was at the Vatican this weekend, where he and Benedict XVI recalled together the 32nd anniversary of Pope John Paul II's election to the See of Peter. John Paul II was elected Pope on Oct. 16, 1978. A statement from the Vatican reported that President Bronislaw Komorowski's visit with Benedict XVI on Saturday also included talk of "the importance of dialogue between Church and state, each according to its own competencies, for the promotion of the common good." The Pontiff and president further "expressed their mutual desire to continue effective cooperation in areas of joint interest -- for example, in education and in promoting the fundamental values of society -- and emphasis was given to the importance of defending human life in all its stages. The meeting closed with an exchange of opinions on the current situation in Europe," the communiqué added. After his meeting with the Holy Father, Komorowski went on to meet Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, and Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Dominique Mamberti. On Sunday, President Komorowski participated in the canonization Mass for six newly recognized saints, among them Polish priest, Father Stanislaw Soltys Kazimierczyk.

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