2010-12-02 13:41:05

Young Catholics vow to take on a continent, focus on climate change

(December 02, 2010) Parish youth groups in several countries will focus on climate change, evangelization and organizing young people following the first Asian conference of FIMCAP, an international federation of Catholic parish youth movements. The conference, which took place in Chilaw, Sri Lanka, from November 26-28, addressed the theme His Kingdom, Our One Concern. FIMCAP which has members in more than 20 countries around the globe will also move to strengthen its base in Asia. At present, the movement has affiliates in the Philippines, Sri Lanka and India. FIMCAP Asian Animator Ranjana D’Silva told UCA News that the meeting was intended to set strategies for the movement’s expansion. A presidium is to be established representing each of the three Asian member countries, she said. The movement in Sri Lanka will concentrate on developing an appropriate response by Catholic youth to climate change and ecological issues. India will target evangelization as its main priority area while the Philippines will focus on organizing and training young people. Keynote speaker at the conference, Father Reid Shelton Fernando, outlined his concern over ecological imbalances and global warming. “Nature is God’s gift and we have to respect and preserve it,” he said. FIMCAP chaplain, Father Gregory Monteira, said that Asian youth should play a constructive role in preserving nature and fighting global warming. Founded in 1960, FIMCAP describes itself as an international federation of Catholic parochial youth movements as well as a family for youth workers, youth and children all over the world.

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