2011-06-28 17:52:01

South Sudan: Christians and Muslims pray together for peace

(June 28, 2011) Representatives of the Christian churches and Muslim minority prayed together for peace among all ethnic groups and faiths, at a meeting in the centre of Juba on Friday. The country officially becomes independent from Khartoum on 9th of July. “Diversity must be a source of strength and not conflict”, said Father José Vieira, a Comboni missionary and reporter of the Catholic Radio Bakhita, who took part. The participants included representatives of 13 Christian churches and of the Muslim community, a majority in the North. Participants prayed that differences still remaining from 23 years of civil war can be resolved through dialogue rather than violence. Fr. Vieira said there is concern over the conflict in South Kordofan, where it is reported that Khartoum’s armed forces are committing acts of violence on an ethnic basis. He said he was especially concerned for the Nuba and other black communities that live in that area.

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