2011-09-15 13:45:33

Karnataka Christians mark 2008 attacks with special prayers

(September 15, 2011) Churches in Karnataka held special prayers to mark anti-Christian violence, the southern Indian state witnessed three years ago. Jesuit Father Ronnie Prabhu, general secretary of the Karnataka United Christian Forum for Human Rights, expressed relief that the anniversary passed off peacefully. Karnataka witnessed a series of attacks on churches and Christian groups that began on September 14, 2008 by Hindu extremists who had accused Christians of committing conversions in the state. At least 24 churches and prayer halls were damaged. Father Prabhu said there were rumours that the Hindu radicals would repeat the attacks this year, but no incidents have been reported so far. Abbes Mary Carmel, superior of the Adoration Monastery in Mangalore, said groups of people took turns saying hour-long prayers at their chapel on Wednesday, which was one of the places vandalized during the 2008 attacks.

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