2012-06-05 18:39:56

Extraordinary manifestation of love to the Pope in Milan: Cardinal Bertone

June 05, 2012: Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State of the Holy See, made an appearance on Italian television on Monday and spoke about the weekend trip of Pope Benedict XVI to Milan. In an interview with Italian State Television’s flagship news programme, Cardinal Bertone described Pope’s visit to the archdiocese of Milan as one in which everyone involved experienced the extraordinary manifestation of love for the Holy Father, as well as support for his teaching, and his work.”

Pope Benedict was in Milan to preside over the conclusion of the 7th World Meeting of Families. He said the Pope reminded the participants and the world that the family is primarily a moral resource. A united family that educates children the fundamental virtues from an early age is a great resource for society. He also highlighted the pope’s suggestion of solidarity and partnership between families, twinning of parishes, communities and cities.

Cardinal Bertone also addressed the ongoing media attention focused on the Pope and the Curia in connection with information leaks from inside the Vatican. “What is most sad in all this,” he said, “is the violation of the Holy Father’s privacy and of that of his closest collaborators.” Nevertheless, continued Cardinal Bertone, “these days have not been ones of division, but of unity…days of strength in the faith, and of steadfast serenity also in making decisions.”

Regarding Transparency Cardinal Bertone said it is a matter of solidarity with each other. It is not an act of cynicism or a deed of superficiality.

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