2012-06-22 18:53:23

Pope applauds the evangelical witness of Codiretti in agriculture and fisheries

June 22, 2012: The society, the economy and work, are neither only secular areas, nor strangers to the Christian message, but they are spaces to be fertilized with the spiritual richness of the Gospel, said Pope Benedict XVI on Friday while addressing the Assembly of National Confederation of Farmers in Italy. The convention has its theme "family agriculture for sustainable development’.
The Church, indeed, is never indifferent to the quality of people's lives, their working conditions, and feels the need to take care of man and the contexts in which he lives.

The Pontiff told them that the Church is keen to involve in organizations like Coldiretti (federation of farmers), to inspire their actions to the principles of Catholic social doctrine. Through them, the Church makes present in the historical events the message of liberation and redemption of Christ. Catholic teaching on social ethics has found a fertile ground in Coldiretti.

The Pontiff said that he is well aware of their evangelical witness in the agricultural and fisheries sectors, highlighting the values ​​of work, just and humane. He said that the dignity of the person seeking the common good, honesty and transparency in service management, food security and the protection of the environment and landscape, promote the spirit of solidarity.

The continuing economic crisis, and the resulting uncertainties, puts farmers and fishermen in the face of new challenges. He urged them to face the challenges as Christians, cultivating a renewed and profound sense of responsibility, demonstrating solidarity and sharing.

He said that the basis of the current economic difficulties there is a moral crisis. It should lead them to promoting the rediscovery of the spiritual values ​​from which eventually translate ideas, projects and works.

On the ethical plane, it is necessary that the family, schools, unions and other political institutions, cultural and civic institutions play an important role of connecting, encouragement and promotion, especially the youth. They are full of purpose and hope, and to build their future they expect good examples from adults. We cannot disappoint their expectations, the Pope added.

The Pope recalled that the intuition and wisdom of Coldiretti’s visionary founder Paul Bonomi, worked in the light of the Gospel of charity and in the social teaching of the Church. He was very caring to the promotion of farmers, offering them clear guidelines and criteria, which remain essentially valid in our days. Be worthy heirs of such a rich heritage of ideas!, the Pontiff exhorted them.

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