2012-08-13 16:11:28

Sri Lankan protest against state's lack of fiscal transparency

(August 13, 2012) Demonstrators in Sri Lanka rallied at the weekend to protest against the government’s lack of transparency, especially in matters of fiscal accountability, and undue restrictions on media reporting. The protest organized by the Puttalam District Journalist Association was held in Chilaw, northwest of the capital Colombo, and included members of the media along with Buddhist and Christian leaders. “The public want to know why the government hides information. They have a right to ask for the facts because people pay taxes to support the government,” said Prasad Purnimal, the Association’s secretary and a local BBC correspondent. “Many a time journalists have been knocked back when they inquire about the misuse of public funds and corruption in government offices,” he said. Activists are also concerned about a recent escalation of violence and threats against journalists. Fourteen journalists have been killed in Sri Lanka since 2006, according to Amnesty International. Sri Lanka ranked 163rd out of 178 countries in the 2011 Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders a drop from the 158th position it was assigned in 2010.

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