2012-10-27 19:40:05

The Church is the Church of all peoples, says Pope at the Synod

October 27, 2012: The Synod of Bishops on the new evangelization for the transmission of the Christian faith concluded the formal part of its work on Saturday. The final list of propositions was presented and voted on by all the bishops taking part. Pope Benedict XVI addressed them, telling that their testimonies proved that the Church is alive and is growing.
He told them that the Church is the Church of all peoples, she speaks in all languages, she is always a Church of Pentecost; not the Church of one continent, but a universal Church. ‘Even though the Church feels contrary winds, above all it feels the wind of the Holy Spirit that helps us, shows us the right way, and so, with renewed enthusiasm, I think, we are on that path and we thank the Lord for gifting us this truly Catholic encounter’, the Pontiff added.
Thanking all - the Synod Fathers, the Auditors, the Experts, the fraternal delegates – the Pope said that ‘we all want to proclaim Christ and his Gospel and fight, in this difficult time, for the presence of Christ's truth and his proclamation.’
The Pontiff made an announcement at the beginning of his address. He said that, in the context of the reflections of the Synod of Bishops, and his own prayer and reflection, he has decided to transfer jurisdiction over Seminaries from the Congregation for Catholic Education, to the Congregation for the Clergy and competence of Catechesis from the Congregation for the Clergy, to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.

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