2012-12-20 19:11:19

Women constables teach Indian girls self defence

December 20, 2012: At a time when incidents of rape are increasing in the national capital of India, there is one place in Delhi where school girls are taught self defence. A group of specially-trained women constables in Jamia Nagar in the city helps girls learn self defence and handle all the unwanted male attention. Over 200 girls have enrolled in the workshop organized by the Women's Studies Centre of Jamia Millia Islamia.

"I never had the confidence to speak to strangers. But now, I am confident. I know that if something wrong happens with me, I can defend myself," says 16-year-old Mariya Khan, who attends the workshop. Bulbul Dhar-James, director of the Women's Studies Centre, said the focus is on trying to make them understand the significance of being a woman and being assertive, the idea is not to show aggression.

But in case the other side is aggressive we should be able to cope with it. This is not meant to be offensive. And the idea behind it is really to have gender equity, she added.

Lady trainers from the special police unit teach techniques that will help the girls defend themselves from any unwanted advances in public places and at home. They teach no arms or weapons, but how simple, daily items like notebooks, pens and school bags can be ammunition enough.

Nishu, a trainer, said, "we tell the girls that if you are empty-handed you can use a shawl to defend yourself. We tell them that the first thing they need to have is presence of mind when someone attacks them.”

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