2013-09-12 14:09:45

Pope Francis tweets on sharing Jesus’ merciful love

Vatican City, 12 September 2013: Pope Francis once again reiterated the importance of sharing with every person in the universe. He said that ‘following Jesus means sharing his love with everyone’. In a twitter message published on Thursday morning, the Pontiff wrote: To follow Jesus means to share his merciful love for every human being.

On Tuesday, when Pope Francis made a private visit to a Rome soup kitchen and shelter run by the Jesuit Refugee Services called the Astalli Centre, he made a passionate appeal to religious sisters whose convents are “empty” to generously and courageously open them to refugees, observing that the Church does not need “empty convents to be transformed into hotels to earn money”.

Reflecting on the tradition of the Jesuit mission, the Pope had said on the occasion that to “serve” means welcoming the person who arrives with care and understanding. It means offering “solidarity” a word that generates fear in the developed world. But it is “our word “, he stressed and called on all to reach out to everyone in need.

The Pope now has more than 8 million followers on his Twitter account @Pontifex. The Pope’s English-language handle alone has over 2.8 million followers. The papal tweets are published in nine languages on the micro-blogging website.Source: VR Sedoc

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