2014-01-14 14:49:30

A Roundtable on Evangelii Gaudium at Gregorian

Rome, 14 January 2014: A Roundtable on Evangelii Gaudium, a text that questions is being held at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome on Tuesday. It focused on Criteria for the reading of the first Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis.
The Conference reflects on how to approach the first Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, what are its themes, what criteria adopted for its reading. It is organized by the Department of Moral Theology .

Accepting the invitation to develop theological reflection "in an interdisciplinary and integrated" the Conference will be conducted by a group of professors from various faculties of the Gregorian University. The discussion will be moderated by the Jesuit Father Miguel Yáñez, Director of the Department of Moral Theology. Fr Yáñez explained that the round table is organized by the department, because the relationship between evangelization and morality is one of the problems at the base of Evangelii Gaudium. The prospect of this document is in close continuity with that of the Second Vatican Council, where it is recognized that there is an order of importance between the truths of Catholic doctrine, including the moral teaching.

Among the many topics that are covered by the Apostolic Exhortation, the roundtable will deal in particular the ecclesiological dimension, the dialogue and the structures of the Church, the Church "poor for the poor."

The Speakers will present a variety of subjects including the "Sensus fidelium" and the People of God; towards a new image of the church; the proclamation of the Gospel in the face of new challenges; cultural dialogue with unprecedented anthropological and new values; talking and telling people; Interreligious Dialogue; Evangelism, economy and the common good; the problem of migration; and the preferential option for the poor.
Source: VR Sedoc

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