2014-03-28 15:32:56

Pope meets bishops of Madagascar

March 28, 2014 - Pope Francis urged the bishops of Madagascar on Friday to serve the cause of peace in the Indian Ocean island nation and to remind politicians about the country’s poverty. The Pope received the bishops of Madagascar on the occasion of their March 27-29 ‘ad limina’ visit to Rome. Such visits are made by heads of dioceses every five years or so, to report on the state of their jurisdiction. In his talk to the heads of 21 archdioceses and dioceses of Madagascar, the Pope pointed out that poverty is mainly due to corruption and disregard for the common good. The Holy Father appreciated the Madagascan Church’s promotion of the human person alongside preaching of the Gospel. He encouraged them to support the poor, materially and spiritually, and particularly thanked the religious for witnessing to Christ’s love for all. In the face of inter-religious challenges in the largely Christian nation, the Pope called for developing a clear and constructive dialogue, in order to safeguard peace among communities and serve the common good. With regard to priests, the Pope told the bishops to always regard chastity and obedience with great esteem, and that they should be presented and lived without ambiguity by formators in seminaries and novitiates. The Pope also called for prudence with regard to managing temporal goods, saying they are a disaster in the scandal among a people who living stripped of everything.

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