2015-08-28 08:20:00

Border tensions between Columbia and Venezuela continue

(Vatican Radio) Venezuela's President announces that he won't reopen the Border with Colombia until its Administration cracks down on smuggling. James Blears reports on the bi-lateral spat, which is escalating.

The incident flared last week in the State of Tachira, in Venezuela, when smugglers ambushed and critically injured three Venezuelan soldiers and a civilian.  Sincé then in a crackdown, the Border in that área has been sealed, while more than 1,000 people have been expelled from Venezuala and another  five thousand have fled across the river, dividing the two nations.  
A meeting between the two country's Foreign Ministers, has not resolved the growing crisis.  Venezuela and Colombia's Foreign Ministers are due to meet in the coming days. 
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro, says troop reinforcements sent to the área found, kidnapping, migrant smuggling and many other crimes.  He insists Border security MUST  be drastically imporved.  Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos, has gone to región on his side of the border, to talk with expelled people, about their experiences.

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