2015-11-04 12:23:00

The “Kenya Pamoja for peace pwani” – The coast together for peace caravan

The Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa has released the programme for its planned Peace Caravan that starts in Mombasa on 23 November 2015 and culminates in the welcome of Pope Francis in Nairobi. The caravan will cover a distance of 441 kilometres.

The “Kenya Pamoja for peace pwani” caravan is expected to comprise a total of 69 buses: 16 of the buses will carry youth journeying with the caravan while the other 53 buses will have pilgrims from different parishes of Mombasa going to Nairobi for the Pope’s visit.

The caravan leaves Mombasa and passes through Kwale, Taita, Machakos and Makueni counties spreading messages of peace and promoting understanding and tolerance among Kenyans. Although the peace caravan is targeting the youth, all Christians traveling in hired buses, from Mombasa, on the same day have been invited to join the caravan.

The main aim is to promote peace through youth mobilisation, prayer and the creation of public awareness in the Kenyan coastal region which has experienced various forms of violent attacks from extremist groups and a rise in radicalisation among young people.

The theme of the caravan, “Pamoja for Peace Pwani,” stresses the need for the Coastals (people of the coast) to be united and to build a peaceful Kenya for all; overcome political polarisation along religious and ethnic lines. The caravan hopes the message of peace will ultimately spread to all Kenyans.

A tentative programme released by the organisers said the peace caravan will first start with Road Shows in the city of Mombasa on 23 November and then the following day, Interfaith Prayers at the Mombasa Pastoral Centre. Thereafter, the caravan starts-off on its journey to Nairobi on 25 November making two major stop-overs in Voi and Makindu.

Mombasa Archbishop, Martin Kivuva who will already be in Nairobi, will welcome the caravan when it arrives in Nairobi.

(Lwanga Communication Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa)

e-mail: engafrica@vatiradio.va

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